Iranian Fighter Jet crashes Near Persian Gulf Due to Technical Glitch
Iranian Fighter Jet crashes Near Persian Gulf Due to Technical Glitch
The plane went down in the south of the country at 08:00 am (GMT). Although the purpose of the flight was not clear, regular patrol flights are common in the region.

Iran says a fighter jet has gone down in the south of the country near the Persian Gulf, with two pilots surviving the crash. The state-run IRNA news agency quoted a local official as saying the crash was caused by a technical problem. Abdolhossein Rafipour, the governor of Tangestan, says the plane went down near a coastal town at 12:30 local time (0800 GMT). The purpose of Sunday's flight was not immediately clear. Regular patrol flights are common in the region.

Iran's air force has an assortment of US-made military aircraft purchased before the 1979 Islamic Revolution. It also has Russian-made MiG and Sukhoi planes. Decades of Western sanctions have made it hard to maintain the ageing fleet. Iranian media say the Revolutionary Guard has seized an oil tanker carrying 700,000 litres of "smuggled fuel" in the Persian Gulf. The semi-official Fars news agency says seven crew members were detained when the ship was seized late Wednesday. It did not provide further details on the vessel or the nationality of the crew.

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