Bank Holidays for July: Lenders to be Closed for 15 Days. Know More
Bank Holidays for July: Lenders to be Closed for 15 Days. Know More
Banks across India will remain shut for 15 days in total in the month of July. Nine days will be state/religious holidays or festivals, while six are weekends

The month of July bolsters a wide range of holidays coming up for banks, as per the official list released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). In this month there will be 15 days of holidays in total, out of which nine of those holidays come under the categories of state-wise holidays, religious holidays or festivals. The remaining six days are the usual weekends off, with some overlap between the two.

The only common string across the majority of the banks is July 21 which is Bakri Id (Id-Ul-Zuha) (Eid-UI-Adha). Most of the lenders across the nation will remain closed on this day, with a few exceptions depending on the state.

The RBI has classified these days off under the following sections or brackets– ‘Holiday under Negotiable Instruments Act’, ‘Holiday under Negotiable Instruments Act’ and ‘Real-Time Gross Settlement Holiday and Banks’ Closing of Accounts’. The upcoming days off will be classified under the bracket of ‘Holiday under Negotiable Instruments Act’.

Keep in mind that all public and private sector banks, as well as foreign, cooperative and regional banks, will remain closed on these 15 days off, so banking business needs to be planned accordingly.

Here is the full list of the 15 holidays for the month of July 2021: (Counting from July 3 onwards)

1) 4 July 2021 – Sunday (Weekend off)

2) 10 July 2021 – Second Saturday (Weekend off)

3) 11 July 2021 – Sunday (Weekend off)

4) 12 July 2021 – Monday – Kang (Rathajatra) / Rath Yatra (Bhubaneswar, Imphal)

5) 13 July 2021 – Tuesday – Bhanu Jayanti (Gangtok)

6) 14 July 2021 – Wednesday – Drukpa Tshechi (Gangtok)

7) 16 July 2021- Thursday – Harela Puja (Dehradun)

8) 17 July 2021 – Saturday – U Tirot Sing Day / Kharchi Puja (Agartala, Shillong)

9) 18 July 2021 – Sunday (Weekend off)

10) 19 July 2021 – Monday – Guru Rimpoche’s Thungkar Tshechu (Gangtok)

11) 20 July 2021 – Tuesday – Bakrid (Jammu, Kochi, Srinagar, Thiruvananthapuram)

12) 21 July 2021 – Tuesday – Eid al Adha (Nation-wide with the exception of Aizawl, Bhubaneswar, Gangtok, Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram)

13) 24 July 2021 – 4th Saturday (Weekend off)

14) 25 July 2021 – Sunday (Weekend off)

15) 31 July 2021- Saturday – Ker Puja (Agartala)

These holidays will only come into play in certain states and on certain dates with very little overlap other than on 21 July, which is Eid al Adha. Even then there are a few exceptions such as Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Gangtok, Aizawl and Bhubaneswar, where lenders will remain open as it not a holiday for them.

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