Alex Ferguson shocked by racism rows
Alex Ferguson shocked by racism rows
Alex Ferguson says he is shocked with the recent race rows emerging in football.

Manchester: Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson says he is shocked with the recent race rows emerging in football, saying it is unfathomable in the modern era.

Red Devils defender Patrice Evra has lodged a complaint of racial abuse against Liverpool striker Luis Suarez, a claim which the FA is currently investigating.

Elsewhere, Chelsea and England captain John Terry is also in the firing line over allegations he racially abused QPR defender Anton Ferdinand at Loftus Road last weekend.

Sir Alex says he fully backs Evra in his claim and said he was surprised to see the issue of race still causing problems in the game.

"There is no doubt in my mind with what happened at Anfield with Patrice but it is the FA's responsibility to sort it out,” he said.

"We spoke to them a few days ago - they are doing their work and we will leave the matter in their hands.

“But I have to say I'm very surprised that this sort of thing is happening now.

"I don't know if it's just a coincidence that two cases are going on - let's hope we don't get three - this is 2011, for goodness sake.

"I can't believe there is any sort of issue over race in the game given the number of black players who take part. It is such a rare occurrence for this sort of thing to surface.

"I can't even remember the last time allegations of this sort were levelled against a player."

Sir Alex is celebrating 25 years at the helm of United and feels the diverse mix of nationalities featuring in the top-flight is the biggest change during that time – something he believes should be welcomed.

He also pointed out the changes in sports science and the way in which players are managed as key developments to have taken place over the last generation.

The Scot continued: "Everyone knows the contribution black players have made to modern day football, and have been doing for many years, so it's surprising to have this happening now.

"Just within our own club we have had some fantastic players with great personalities, and we've been very lucky to have them.

"The arrival of foreign players from different backgrounds is the biggest thing that's changed in the game here in my 25 years. All we dealt with back then were English players, or British players at least.

“It has been a great challenge for me, and for other managers, to deal with all the different cultures and nationalities you find in football now.

"That has definitely been one of the biggest changes. There are two other major changes: the condition of the pitches and also sports science - the medical side has improved tremendously.

"There have been great improvements in the game and players have been allowed a better opportunity to last longer. It is quite normal now for players that are well into their 30s to keep playing.

"Also, the quality and speed of the game these days can only be achieved because of the condition of the pitches."

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