9 Ways to Look Sexy and Classy
9 Ways to Look Sexy and Classy
The definition of “sexy” is: “having sexually appealing or interesting qualities.”[1]
Research source

And the definition of “classy” is: “having qualities that make someone or something special and attractive.”[2]
Research source

Clearly, the two words have very similar definitions. So while most people view sexy and classy as two very different qualities, it is very possible to be sexy but classy at the same time.
Things You Should Know
  • Define your waist and wear balanced looks to be classy but sexy, like pairing a short skirt with a top that has longer sleeves or a higher neckline.
  • Choose colors that compliment you, like dark purples and greens for cool skin tones, metallics for warm skin tones, and bright colors for neutral skin tones.
  • Look sexy but classy by maintaining good posture, too. Simply stand up straight and roll your shoulders back.

Dressing Sexy But Classy

Don’t bare it all. While it’s important to be confident in your body, leaving something to the imagination can go a long way. Showing only one section of your body at a time is sexy and classy. For example, if you want to highlight your chest, cover up your legs and midriff. Or if you’re proud of your belly, and want to show it off, wear an outfit that highlights your midriff, but doesn’t also expose your hips or chest. This rule applies to both men and women, as too much chest or leg on either sex can kill the class.

Create balanced looks. This means putting together outfits that focus on one sexy area. For women, this could mean revealing your legs in a flirty mini skirt or a pair of shorts, and wearing a top that has longer sleeves or a blouse that isn’t cut too low. You can then pair this look with a fitted jacket and a loose coat. A little black dress, with a statement necklace or a simple pair of earrings, is a timeless, classy look. For men, a balanced look could mean wearing a collared shirt that is slightly unbuttoned at the top, with an undershirt and form fitting pants. Or, a pair of long shorts and a simple t-shirt. Men should avoid exposing their chest hair as this is neither sexy nor classy.

Be creative with color. A great way to display confidence and sophistication is to come up with appealing color combinations in your outfits. Pick colors based on your skin tone. Jewel tones like purple and dark green look great on cool skin tones. Metallics and neon look great on warm skin tones. And bold, bright colors look great on neutral skin tones.

Define your waistline. Defining your waistline is a great way to show off your figure, without showing any skin. Women can do this with a thin belt over a dress or a top that tucks in at the waist. If you decide to wear a flowy top, pair it with a form fitting bottom like a skirt or a pair of black leggings. Men can do this by tucking in their shirt into their jeans or pants and wearing a subtle leather belt.

Groom yourself. Nothing is more classy and sexy than someone who puts in the effort to maintain their appearance. Women should shave their legs if they’re going to be wearing skirts and shorts. As well, a manicure, whether done at home or at a nail salon, will show you care about your appearance and have good hygiene. Men should keep their beards trimmed and clean looking. A nice spritz of cologne will add a touch of class to even the most casual outfit.

Acting Sexy But Classy

Maintain good posture. Being sexy but classy is about more than just the clothes you wear. It’s about how you walk and present yourself to others. So avoid slouching or sitting down in a heap. This doesn’t present a very confident, classy demeanor. Focus on maintaining good posture so you can seem attractive and sophisticated. Do this by practicing good posture when you are seated. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Avoid crossing your legs. Keep your ankles in front of your knees. Roll your shoulders down and relax them. There should be a small gap between the back of your knees and the front of your seat. You should also practice good posture when you are standing. Stand straight and tall with your shoulders pulled back. Keep your legs shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Bear your weight mostly on the balls of your feet. Let your arms hang naturally at your sides and keep your head level with your shoulders.

Mind your manners. Displaying good manners shows others you have a sense of class. There are two types of manners, greeting manners and dining manners. Greeting manners are a way to show others how polite and considerate you can be. Do not talk during a movie or show. Say “excuse me” if you bump into someone and “bless you” if someone sneezes. Avoid interrupting someone when they are speaking. During a conversation, it’s also good manners to introduce yourself to someone by name, and answer any questions with positivity and a smile. End the conversation by telling the person it was lovely to meet them, and if possible, say goodbye to them by name. Dining manners are also sure signs of a class act. Always say “please”, “thank you”, “bless you”, and “excuse me”. Only start eating once the host as sat down at the table and keep your mouth closed when you chew. Keep your elbows off the table and don’t blow your nose or burp during dinner. Compliment the cook if you are a guest.

Don’t create drama. This means not airing out your issues in public or creating a conflict with others. Avoid acting on impulse. Think before you act and focus on deflecting or discouraging drama between you and others. In the moment, try to downplay any drama and move on. This will show that you are able to handle any conflicts with grace. React later, in private, and discuss the issue directly with the person. Causing a scene will only lead to an awkward situation. Show how classy you can be by leaving the drama at home.

Flirt with confidence. Don't be afraid project self confidence when you're flirting in person and over text. But don't be too forward or in your face. Try to strike a balance between friendly and easy going. Look the person in the eye, give them a smile, and say "Hi" or "How's it going?" Start the conversation with a compliment, like "Oh, I love your cologne" or "I really like your sunglasses." Once you find out their name in the conversation, use it often. It will make the other person feel acknowledged and singled out by you in a classy but sexy way. Avoid talking too much about yourself. Show genuine interest in the other person and ask them follow up questions to keep the conversation going. End the conversation with a bit of mystery. The saying, "leave them wanting more" rings true for flirting. Cut the chat short by saying "This has been fun, but I have to head out." Or, "Sorry to cut this short, but look at the time. I have to be going." Always say "goodbye" or "I hope to see you again soon" so the conversation ends on a classy note.

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