How the Page of Cups Represents Someone’s Feelings
How the Page of Cups Represents Someone’s Feelings
In a tarot reading, the Page of Cups represents youthfulness, creativity, and emotional vulnerability. Pulling this card upright is often a sign of positivity, while seeing it reversed can mean there are feelings you need to overcome. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the feelings associated with the Page of Cups, including romantic relationships, your own emotions, and what it means to pull the card in reverse.
Things You Should Know
  • The Page of Cups represents youthfulness, so your partner may feel particularly playful and flirty when they’re with you.
  • The Page of Cups symbolizes infatuation. This is a good indication your relationship is headed in the right direction.
  • The Page of Cups in reverse often represents vulnerability. Be careful with who you open up to.

Page of Cups as Feelings Upright Meanings

The Page of Cups represents infatuation. You may pull the Page of Cups at the beginning of a new relationship. You or the person you’re asking about are feeling a strong physical and emotional attraction. You may be unable to stop thinking about the other person. If you have a crush on someone, this card is a sign to let them know. If you pull this card for an ongoing relationship, it often indicates a newfound spark as you feel like you’re falling in love all over again. An ex may be looking back on your relationship fondly, and they’re probably wondering if there’s a chance for reconnection.

Your person feels creative when they’re with you. The Page of Cups represents creativity and inspiration, so you likely bring out your partner’s artistic side. You’re their muse, and they may even write poetry about you. They may also bring out your creative side, as well. Pulling this card in a relationship reading usually means you’ll deepen your connection with them by sharing new, spontaneous experiences.

You’re feeling playful and flirty. When you pull this card, you’re fully embracing your inner child. You want to have fun and go on exciting adventures with your partner. The Page of Cups may also indicate your partner is flirty and enjoys teasing you, or they might be younger than you. You two have so much fun together that you feel like kids again. In a relationship reading, this card often means you should focus on the present instead of the future. Enjoy living in the moment with your partner.

Your person is emotionally available. When you pull the Page of Cups, it’s a sign of positive vulnerability. You and your partner understand your emotions and encourage open communication. In a new or potential relationship, this is a good indication your person returns your feelings and is looking for a long-term commitment.

Page of Cups as Feelings Reversed Meanings

Someone is feeling shy and hesitant. In a relationship reading, pulling the Page of Cups in reverse often means you or the person you’re asking about are feeling awkward in the relationship. This card is likely to be drawn during the early stages of a relationship when you’re both testing the waters and learning about each other. If your partner or crush seems timid, don’t push them. Show them kindness and allow them to get to know you at their own pace. When they feel safe, they’ll open up to you.

This person is emotionally immature. The Page of Cups often represents someone who is young, so pulling it in reverse can sometimes mean you’re dealing with someone immature. They may be superficial, attention-seeking, or overdramatic. If you’re dealing with someone who’s emotionally immature, try telling them how their actions make you feel. This may help them put themselves in your shoes and understand their actions aren’t okay. If you think you’re the one who needs to overcome emotional immaturity, let go of the need to be right. If you feel yourself getting frustrated in an argument, agree to disagree and walk away.

You’re feeling bored in your relationship. Because the Page of Cups often deals with creativity and inspiration, pulling it in reverse may mean you’re struggling with the opposite. You and your partner may have lost the romantic spark that drew you to each other in the beginning. Try embracing your inner child to remember what matters most to you, and spend time with each other to gain a renewed sense of attraction and inspiration.

You may feel emotionally distant. In a relationship reading, pulling the Page of Cups in reverse can mean you and your partner may be putting up emotional barriers. You may not feel as emotionally intimate as you used to. Communicate openly and honestly and be playful with each other to rekindle your feelings. If you’re asking about an ex, the Page of Cups in reverse is usually a sign that they are not interested in reconnecting or that you should not consider getting back together with them.

You’re feeling emotionally vulnerable. You may pull a reversed Page of Cups at a time when you’re particularly vulnerable and sensitive, like after a breakup. The card advises you to be selective with whom you open up to and to focus on self-care before diving into another relationship. Make sure your partner is emotionally prepared for a relationship, as well. Practice self-care by surrounding yourself with people who love and support you. Avoid people who make you feel drained or stressed.

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