How to Cross the Street
How to Cross the Street
You probably cross the street several times a day as you travel to the places you need to go. While it may be a normal part of your day, crossing the street can also be very dangerous, as cars travel very fast. Fortunately, you can stay safe while you’re on the road, whether you’re walking, riding a bike, riding a motorcycle, or driving a car.

Choosing the Best Place to Cross

Use a crosswalk as a pedestrian if one is available. Look for a crosswalk at an intersection or an entrance to a place that gets high foot traffic. In many cases, crosswalks are painted along the street to indicate where pedestrians should walk. You may also see a pedestrian crosswalk system installed on poles near the crosswalk, which tells you when to “walk” or “don’t walk.” Some crosswalks use several rectangular blocks of paint to indicate where you should walk across, while others use two parallel lines to designate the crossing area. You will typically find crosswalks at an intersection with another street. However, they may sometimes be in the middle of a block if you’re in an area that has high foot traffic.

Follow the directions on the pedestrian crosswalk system if there is one. Look for an electronic sign across the street that says “walk” or “don’t walk.” If you see one, then your crosswalk has a pedestrian crosswalk system. Press the button on your side of the street to activate the system if there is one. Then, wait until the sign says “walk” before you go. While a pedestrian crosswalk system will help you stay safe, it doesn’t guarantee that drivers will be obeying the law. Before stepping into the street, check for crossing traffic just to be safe.

Cross at a corner and follow the traffic signals if there’s no crosswalk. Some streets don’t have crosswalks, especially if they’re in a rural area or neighborhood. When this is the case, always walk down to the corner of the street to cross. Look for traffic lights or stop signs at the intersection. Cross when the light going your direction is green or while cars are stopped at a stop sign. If there’s a traffic light, follow the traffic that’s moving in the same direction as you are. Stop for red or yellow lights, and go when the light is green. However, keep in mind that some cars may be turning right on red, so you still need to be careful. If the intersection has a stop sign, wait for any cars that are there to stop. Walk when it’s your turn, as long as you’ve made eye contact with any drivers who are waiting to go.

Make sure you can see both directions clearly before trying to cross. It’s possible parked cars, large bushes and other items may block your view. However, it’s important that you have clear visibility in both directions. If your view is blocked, move to a different spot where you can see better. If there are stopped cars, it’s okay to step out to the edge of the cars if you know they aren’t moving. However, never, ever step into the street until you know for sure there are no cars coming. Keep in mind that cars can’t see you if you can’t see them.

Checking Both Ways

Stop at the edge of the street so you can check for cars. When you reach the crosswalk or corner, walk out to the edge of the road and stop. This will give you the best visibility of the roadway and ensures you’re crossing the shortest distance possible. Wait until it’s safe before you cross. Stand on the curb or just outside the entrance to the crosswalk. Don’t stand so close that you might get clipped by a car. You should still be out of the roadway while you’re waiting to cross.

Check left, right, then left again before crossing the street. Cars move really fast, so double check that the road is clear before you cross. Look to the left first because traffic will be closer to you on that side. Then, look to the right to see if any vehicles are coming. Finally, check left again right before you cross to make sure the road is clear. If you think you might see something coming, stop and wait to see if it’s anything to worry about. It’s better to take your time and be safe.Tip: Listen for oncoming vehicles and stop if you hear any noises that sound like an engine or siren. A speeding car or motorcycle might come upon you fast, so be careful.

Look around as you cross the street so you can spot oncoming cars. Don’t stop watching for oncoming cars after you check left and right, as cars and motorcycles can come upon you quickly. Monitor your surroundings as you cross so you can stop and get out of the way if a vehicle approaches. For instance, check to your right again when you reach the center of the road, just in case a car is coming.

Make eye contact with drivers when you’re crossing a busy street. On a busy street, you may have to cross while cars are waiting to go. While drivers are supposed to stop for you, they may not see you. Keep in mind that drivers may be distracted or could have poor visibility. Wait until you’ve made eye contact with the driver before you walk across so you know they saw you. You might also wave or nod at them so you know they see you. Wait for them to wave or nod back. Some drivers may refuse to yield the right-of-way. While this is unfair, it’s more important for you to be safe than right. Don’t try to cross the street if someone is driving dangerously.

Staying Safe

Cross quickly so you aren’t in the road for long. Being in the roadway is unsafe, especially when traffic is busy. Although it’s never safe to run, move at a quick pace and don’t stop until you reach the other side of the street. This will minimize your risk of being struck by a vehicle. You might feel tempted to run, especially if cars are driving aggressively. However, it’s much more dangerous to run, as you might fall. It will be very difficult for cars to see you if you’re on the ground.

Stay off your cell phone so your full attention is on the road. Staring at your phone screen or chatting with someone can distract you, making it hard to safely cross the street. Put your phone away before you cross the street and don’t check it again until you’re on the other side. You might be using your phone’s GPS or could be listening to music. Even if this is the case, stop using your phone until you’re safely on the other side of the street.

Ask an adult to cross the street with you if you’re a child. While there are times when it’s safe to cross the street alone, it’s best to cross with an adult if a street is busy. It’s hard for drivers to see you when you’re small, and it may be difficult for you to figure out when it’s safe. Ask a trusted adult to help you cross so you’re not in danger. For instance, a parent, guardian, crossing guard, neighbor, or teacher may help you cross. Even an older sibling can be a good crossing buddy if they’re old enough.

Wear bright clothing so people can see you at night. You probably know that it’s harder to see in the dark. When you wear dark clothing, it’s extremely difficult for drivers to see you. Instead, pick bright colors like white, yellow, hot pink, or pastels. This way you’ll be very visible when you’re crossing a road.Tip: If you walk at night often, get a reflective vest or put reflective strips on a shirt or jacket so drivers can see you even better. You can buy a reflective vest or reflective strips at a sporting goods store, home improvement store, or online.

Carry a flashlight to increase your visibility. Even with bright clothing, you’ll be difficult to see in the dark. Additionally, it’ll likely be hard for you to see what’s around you. Bring a flashlight with you when you’re walking in the dark so you can illuminate your path. Drivers will also be able to see your light, which will help them see you better. You can use the flashlight on your phone in a pinch. However, don’t look at your phone or play with your phone while you’re walking because it puts you in danger.

Traveling by Car, Motorcycle, or Bicycle

Obey traffic lights and signs when you’re at an intersection. Cars, motorcycles, and bicycles must all obey the same traffic laws. Stop if you see a red light or stop sign when you approach an intersection. Additionally, yield to oncoming traffic if you’re at a yield sign. Go only when the traffic light is green. Look both ways to double check that other vehicles are obeying traffic signs before you go. Keep in mind that some cars may choose to run a red light as the traffic signal is turning. Play it safe even if it’s your turn to go. Generally, all drivers will stop at 4-way stops. The first person to reach the 4-way stop has the right of way. If drivers arrive at the stop at the same time, the driver to the right will proceed first. If there’s a 2-way stop, the driver who has a stop sign must wait for all traffic to clear before crossing.

Stay in the bike lane if there is one when traveling by bicycle. Some streets have bike lanes to help bicyclists travel safely around the city. Always use these lanes when you’re riding a bicycle, including when you’re crossing a street. This allows you to travel as safely as possible. Cars and motorcycles will be most aware of you while you’re in the bike lane.

Look for pedestrians before crossing a street and yield if you see any. All vehicles, including bicycles, must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians who are in a crosswalk or crossing at an intersection. Check both sides of the street for a pedestrian before you cross a street. If you see a pedestrian, stop and wait for them to cross before you proceed. Collisions between a vehicle and a pedestrian can cause life-threatening injuries, so be very careful. Always stop for pedestrians even if you may have the right-of-way. Bicycles must follow all the same rules as cars, so remember to always stop. You may be faster than a pedestrian, but you still have to stop for them.

Watch for cars merging or turning to the right if you’re on a bicycle. Crossing the street on a bicycle can make you feel vulnerable, especially if other drivers are being aggressive. Since it’s legal for cars to turn right-on-red, collisions can happen if drivers aren’t watching for bicyclists. As you cross, monitor the other cars at the intersection to check for movement. Be aware of cars that may be turning, as they may not notice you. Pay careful attention to cars that may be turning onto the street you’re on, as well as cars coming up behind you. You have the right-of-way if a car is turning right-on-red into your lane. However, don’t risk your health and safety just because you’re in the right. Stop or move out of the way if someone is turning into your lane unsafely.

Dismount and walk your bike across the street when in a crosswalk. You may decide to use the crosswalk when crossing a busy street on a bike. In many areas, it’s illegal to ride your bicycle in a crosswalk. In addition to getting in trouble, you may put pedestrians at risk if you ride in the crosswalk. If you want to use the crosswalk, get off your bike and wheel it across.

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