How to Cure or Alleviate Edema
How to Cure or Alleviate Edema
If you notice swelling or puffiness in your feet, ankles, or legs that isn't related to an injury, it might be edema. When fluid builds up in your body tissue, which can happen for many different reasons, you get this characteristic swelling. The only way you can cure edema is to treat the condition that's causing it. Otherwise, there are plenty of ways you can keep the swelling down.[1]
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Here, we've gathered some ideas that you can use right away to alleviate your edema.

Elevate the affected body part.

Raise the limb slightly above your heart for 30 minutes. For edema in your hand or arm, raise your hand over your head while you open and close your fist. If the edema in your leg, ankle, or foot, prop it up on a piece of furniture or a pillow for support. Do this 3 to 4 times a day when you notice swelling. If your edema is mild, this might be enough to eliminate it completely. If you have edema in your legs, ankles, or feet, try lying on the floor in front of a wall and rest your legs up against the wall. Maintain the position for 10-15 minutes while breathing deeply. Keep in mind that even if you are able to eliminate your edema by elevating your leg, that doesn't mean you've cured it—it'll still come back if you haven't treated whatever is causing it to happen.

Walk and move around frequently.

Sitting or standing in the same position increases swelling. When you get your body moving, the fluid moves around as well! If you can, get up and walk around for 5-10 minutes every hour or so. If you're stuck in the same spot (such as if you're at work or school and can't just get up), at least try to move your legs around a bit. If you get edema in your arms or hands, be sure to move your arms around as well. Walking helps edema in your arms and hands as well because it helps get your blood flowing.

Massage the affected body part.

Stroke toward your heart with firm pressure to move the fluid. Start from the furthest point from your heart and stroke up your leg or arm 10-15 times. Then, move your hands slightly over to your left and repeat the same stroke. Keep going until you've gone all the way around your arm or leg. For a real treat, find a certified massage therapist in your area and ask about massage for edema. You'll get the best results from massage treatment if you lie down, relax, and let a skilled professional do it for you.

Soak swollen feet and ankles in Epsom salt.

Soothe your feet in cool water and Epsom salt for 15-20 minutes. Fill a basin large enough to fit both of your feet, then add Epsom salt. Feel free to add a few drops of a relaxing essential oil, such as lavender, for a complete spa experience! This soak helps relieve the pain you might be feeling from the swelling and might also decrease the swelling a bit. Epsom salt also contains magnesium, which helps reduce fluid retention.

Wear compression stockings or sleeves.

Buy compression stockings or sleeves online or at your local pharmacy. They usually come in light, medium, and heavy weights—start with light. Put them on first thing in the morning, when your swelling should be at its lowest, then wear them as long as you can without pain or discomfort. If you can wear them all day, great! The longer you can wear them, the more benefit you'll get from them. Talk to your doctor for specific guidance on how long you should wear your compression stockings or sleeves each day. Compression garments typically last 3-6 months before they need to be replaced. If you take care to put them on and take them off correctly, they'll last the longest.

Try dry brushing your skin to improve circulation.

Use a washcloth, loofa, or brush to exfoliate before you bathe. Start at your feet and rub your skin gently, always moving toward your heart to move the fluid out of your extremities. Work up from your feet to your torso, then start at your hands and work up your arms. The best tool to use for dry brushing is a bath brush with a long handle and stiff, natural bristles. But if you have sensitive skin, you might not be able to handle that. If you find a brush too hard on your skin, use a washcloth instead. Dry brushing exfoliates your skin to improve its overall quality, so it's especially beneficial in dry, cold months. It also stimulates nerve activity and circulation in the areas brushed. This can keep fluid from building up in your extremities. Always moisturize your skin immediately after your bath or shower. Exfoliated skin can be more sensitive and prone to dryness.

Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.

Staying well-hydrated helps your body better regulate fluid retention. Keep a water bottle with you all the time and drink from it whenever you feel even slightly thirsty. If your urine is clear or pale yellow, congratulations—you're well-hydrated! It's also a good idea to have a glass of water if you feel hungry. Sometimes, your brain confuses a thirst signal with a hunger signal.

Reduce the amount of salt in your diet.

Salt exacerbates edema by causing your body to retain more fluid. Start by not adding more salt to the food that you eat. If you find that food is lacking in flavor if you don't salt it, try herbal salt substitutes. Typically, you'll find that food doesn't taste much different if you don't add salt to it. Read food labels on commercially processed and packaged food to find the sodium content. You can usually find a substitute that offers similar ingredients and flavor with lower sodium content. The fresher the food, the less sodium it'll usually have. Committing to a lower sodium diet can be tough, especially if you're used to eating a lot of salt, but have patience! In just a week or two, you can "retrain" your taste buds to prefer other flavors.

Eat more foods that are natural diuretics.

Load up on asparagus, parsley, beets, and green beans. Leafy greens, onions, and leeks are a few more diuretic vegetables. Grapes and pineapple are diuretic fruits. And don't forget garlic! This flavorful additive is also a natural diuretic, so use it liberally as a seasoning. At the same time, avoid foods that promote fluid retention, including refined foods (white pasta, bread, and sugar), fried foods, and red meat. Not only will this potentially help your edema, but it'll also make you feel more healthy overall. If you're taking diuretic medications, talk to your doctor before you include these foods in your diet to any greater extent than you already were—they might interfere with your medication.

Take an herbal supplement to help with fluid retention.

Bilberry, dandelion, and grape seed extract can alleviate edema. Take these herbal supplements either as capsules or in a tea. If you're drinking a tea, use 1 teaspoon (about 4 grams) of herbs per cup (about 236 mL) of hot water. Steep for 5-10 minutes. Drink 2 to 4 cups a day. Bilberry and grape seed provide antioxidant support to shore up your immune system. Dandelion is a natural diuretic. You shouldn't take any of these herbal supplements if you're taking a blood-thinning medication. Discuss herbal supplements with your doctor before you start taking them, especially if you're currently on medication. Herbs can sometimes keep medications from working or cause side effects you've never had before.

Use a sequential gradient pump to treat lymphedema.

These compression garments are inflated to compress your limbs. The system uses an electronic pump to inflate the garment to different pressures sequentially (hence the name). You might be able to buy one of these online or at a pharmacy without a prescription, but it's usually better to talk to your doctor before you invest in one. If your doctor thinks this treatment would work for you, they'll show you how to set and use the machine and tell you when to use it and for how long. The nice thing about these systems is that you can typically use them at home, rather than having to go to a hospital or physical therapist for treatment.

Talk to your doctor about medical treatment.

Edema will continue to return unless your doctor treats the underlying cause. The cause of your edema might be something you can treat with simple diet and lifestyle changes, but occasionally it's something more serious. Your doctor will ask about your history of edema and might order blood tests, urinalysis, or X-rays to determine the cause. You should also get in touch with your doctor if self-care efforts don't do anything to alleviate your edema or if it gets worse. Your doctor might also recommend prescription medications that can help flush the fluid from your body while you wait for diet and lifestyle changes to make a difference.

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