How to Remove Blackheads (Baking Soda and Water Method)
How to Remove Blackheads (Baking Soda and Water Method)
Baking soda can be used as an exfoliant to clean out pores and reduce the appearance of blackheads and acne.[1]
Research source

Baking soda is also mildly anti-bacterial, so it could potentially kill off bacteria that causes acne.[2]
Research source

Mixing baking soda and water is a popular method for removing blackheads and the protocol is fairly simple to follow.

Preparing to Cleanse

Mix baking soda and water together to form a paste. Baking soda is a powerful exfoliant and can help with the treatment of blackheads when applied properly. In order to use baking soda and water, you will first have to mix the two together to form a paste. In general, you should mix equal parts baking soda and lukewarm water. How much you use depends on how many areas of your face you need to cover. If you want to add a dash of apple cider vinegar to the mixture, this can serve as a toner. It's optional, however. Mix the ingredients together until they form a paste-like substance.

Wash your hands. Before you use the mixture, you should wash your hands. You want to make sure you don't get any outside debris into your pores while you're washing your skin. Wet your hands with clean running water and then apply an antibacterial hand soap. Work the soap into a lather. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds, making sure to wash the back of your hand, under your fingernails, and between your fingers. To keep track of time, you can try humming the "Happy Birthday" song twice. Rinse your hands thoroughly and dry them off using a clean towel.

Rinse your face. After you've washed your hands, splash your face with clean, warm water. This will open your pores and help with the cleansing process. You can also wet a washcloth with hot water and drape it over your face until it cools.

Using Baking Soda and Water

Apply the paste to the affected area. Once your face is washed and dried, you can apply the mixture to the blackheads. Use your hands to gently rub a thin layer of the mixture to all your blackheads. Gently massage the paste into your skin as this aids in the exfoliating process.

Let the paste sit for 2 to 3 minutes. Once you've applied the mixture, wait 2 to 3 minutes or until it dries completely. Ideally, it should be dry enough that it's hard to the touch and feels somewhat like dried glue.

Rinse the paste off with warm water. After the paste has dried, rinse with warm water. Use cool water to completely rinse off the mixture. Pat your face dry with a clean towel. Baking soda can dry out skin, so make sure you use an oil free moisturizer after rinsing and drying your face.

Trying Other Methods

Add other liquids to baking soda. Baking soda and water is not always as effective as expected. If the method does not work for you, you can try adding different liquids in place of or in addition to water to the paste. Baking soda and honey, which is naturally antibacterial, can be added to wet skin for an exfoliating cleanse. You could dry dabbing a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol on your skin before applying baking soda and water. Rubbing alcohol disinfects the skin, which may increase the overall effectiveness of the treatment. Adding salt to baking soda and water can help dry out oily skin. You can also try adding a bit of honey to the mixture.

Try a baking soda bath. Baking soda is not only effective at treating blackheads. Overall skin acne can be lessened by using baking soda. If baking soda worked on your blackheads, you might want to try a baking soda bath to treat acne of the back, thighs, and face. Add half a cup of baking soda to a tub of warm bathwater. Mix thoroughly and get in. This can be an especially good treatment is your skin is irritated after being exposed to the chemicals in pool water.

Add baking soda to shampoo. If you have acne at your hairline, adding 2 to 3 grams of baking soda to your shampoo can help with acne reduction. However, it's a good idea to talk to a hair stylist before attempting this to make sure it won't damage your hair.

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