- ATP means “Answer the phone” when used via text and on TikTok, Snapchat, and social media.
- Use APT when you need someone to pick up the phone urgently or want to talk about something too complicated to discuss with text messages.
- Sometimes ATP means “At this point” and can be used to share a new development or a change of plans with someone.
What does ATP mean?
ATP usually means “Answer the phone” in texts and social media. Although there are a couple of possible definitions for ATP, the most common one you’ll see is “Answer the phone.” The meaning behind this acronym is pretty clear: whoever sends it really wants you to pick up the phone! Someone might send ATP when they’re about to call (or after calling several times if they want to get your attention). “ATP! I need to tell you something right now!! ????????” “Hey, ATP! I’ve called you six times today already! ????”
How to Use ATP
Send ATP when you need to talk to someone on the phone urgently. For example, you might be super excited because you have big news to share—or you might have a problem and need help quickly. Whatever your reasons, send ATP when you’re in a hurry so the other person can see that you need them to answer their phone as soon as possible. “ATP!! I’m stranded at work and need a ride, please respond! ????” “OMG, I just got the best news, and I’m dying to tell you everything! ???? ATP!” “Hey, I want to get your opinion on my project before the deadline! Please ATP? ????”
Use ATP if you need to discuss something too complex for texts. Some subjects are easier to talk about when you can actually speak to someone over the phone. For example, if you have a long story to tell, sending huge blocks of text might not be the easiest way to do it! Similarly, if you need to discuss a tough or sensitive subject, it’s often easier to talk it through rather than text it. Them: “Hey, what’s going on? We missed you at brunch yesterday! ????” You: “It’s a long story. ATP, and I’ll explain everything, okay?” Them: “Sure. Give me a call in 5! ????”
How to Respond to ATP
Call the other person back as soon as possible when they text ATP. Generally, if someone sends you an ATP, it means that they’d like to talk to you fairly soon—if not right away. When you see an ATP text, either respond via text to let them know you’re ready to answer or give them a call back yourself since they’re so clearly looking for a chat on the phone. Them: “ATP! I have to tell you something big!” You: “Shoot, I missed your call! Want me to call you back right now? ????”
Let them know why you can’t call back right away if you’re busy. Did you get a phone call from someone, but you haven’t answered yet because you’re doing something else at the moment and don’t have time to talk? That’s totally fine. If you can, just let the other person know when you can’t get back to them right away and when would be a better time for you to talk. That way, they’ll know you’re not neglecting them. Them: “Hey, ATP! I have a story to tell you! ☎️” You: “Sorry, I’m out running errands! ???? Could we talk in 1 hour when I get home?” Them: “Okay! Thanks for letting me know!”
Other Meanings for ATP
The second most common definition for ATP is “At this point.” Texting “At this point” means the same thing as “Currently” or “Right now.” It’s a phrase to signal that whatever you’re saying is true now but might not have been true earlier (or might not be in the future). Essentially, you can use “At this point” to deliver news or update someone on a change of plans. Them: “Hey, are we still on for a hike on Friday?” You: “ATP, the weather is looking great, so I think it’s safe to say yes!” Them: “Yay! ????”
ATP can also refer to the ATP tennis tour. Did you know there’s a worldwide tennis tour for men called the ATP Tour? In the world of tennis, ATP stands for “Association of Tennis Professionals.” There’s also a second-tier tour called the ATP Challenger Tour. Still, you probably won’t see many texts where ATP refers to tennis unless you know diehard fans of the sport (or players). Them: “Where’s the ATP tour being held this year? ????” You: “Good question! Let me look it up!” You might also see an #ATP hashtag on platforms like TikTok, particularly when someone might be referencing an important tennis match.
ATP is also a biochemistry acronym for adenosine triphosphate. In the world of biochemistry, adenosine triphosphate is a molecule that serves as an energy source during physiological reactions (like muscle contraction, for example). However, you probably won’t see this definition referenced much unless you’re studying biochemistry or working in a field that uses it! You can usually determine what “ATP” means by looking at the context in which it was sent. If ATP is phrased more like an order or a demand, it probably means “Answer the phone.” If it’s used to share more information on a subject, it likely means, “At this point.” Generally, unless you’re already talking about niche subjects like tennis or biochemistry, assume that ATP means either “Answer the phone” or “At this point.”
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