What Does “If You Say So” Mean?
What Does “If You Say So” Mean?
You’ve probably heard someone say the phrase “if you say so” in conversation. But what exactly does it mean, and what’s the correct way to use it? If you’re looking for the answers to these questions, you’re in the right place! We’ll go over the definition of the phrase “if you say so,” examples of how it’s used in conversation, and how to respond if someone says it to you. Keep reading for everything you need to know!
Meaning of “If You Say So”

“If You Say So” Meaning

“If you say so” means you don’t fully agree with something. Most native English speakers use this phrase when they’re feeling skeptical about what someone else is saying, but they don’t want to argue, so they go along with it. Because the phrase is usually used to express doubt or disagreement without coming out and actually saying it, it’s often seen as a little dismissive or passive aggressive. For example: Person 1: “I only studied for a few hours, but I think I’m ready for the test tomorrow.” Person 2: “Are you sure? This chapter is really hard.” Person 1: “Yeah, but I feel really good about it after my study session.” Person 2: “Okay, if you say so.”

“If you say so” doesn’t always have a negative connotation. It’s true that the phrase is often used in a passive aggressive way, but this isn’t always the case—it all depends on the context. Sometimes, it means you’re not sure that something is true, but you’re willing to accept it because you really trust the person who said it. In these cases, it has a more positive or neutral connotation. For example: Person 1: “Where should we go to dinner? This new restaurant looks nice, but this older place has better prices.” Person 2: “The new restaurant is amazing! I went there last week, and the food was so delicious. It was totally worth the higher price.” Person 1: “Okay, if you say so! I’ll make the reservation for the newer place.”

Examples of How to Use “If You Say So”

Say “if you say so” when you are doubtful or skeptical about something. This is the most common use of the phrase. It often has a slightly passive aggressive connotation, but it isn’t always full-on rude. Here are some examples: “Okay, if you say so. I’m not convinced this is the best option, but we can give it a try.” “I don’t remember saying that in our last conversation. But if you say so, I guess I’ll have to believe you.” “I’m not sure quitting your job to become an influencer is a good call. But alright, if you say so.” “I don’t think the vase fell over on its own. It seems more likely that it go knocked over accidentally. But okay, if you say so.” “I think you must have cheated a little on that board game. But okay, fine, if you say so, I guess I lost.”

Use the phrase if you’re unsure, but you trust someone. This is a more positive use of the phrase, and it basically means that you haven’t verified something yourself, but you’re willing to go along with it because you really trust the person who said it. In other words, “I’m not sure, but I’ll take your word for it.” For example: “Okay, if you say so! I haven’t tried that restaurant before, but you have great taste, so I’ll make a reservation for the birthday dinner.” “I don’t remember that plot twist happening in the movie, but it’s been a long time since I saw it. If you say so, I believe you!” “I’ve never been a fan of this author before, but if you say so, their new book must be good. I’ll give it a try!” “I don't remember learning about that in history class, but I know you’re really knowledgeable on the subject. If you say so, I trust you!”

How to Respond to “If You Say So”

Figure out if the other person meant it in a positive or negative way. “If you say so” can have different connotations depending on the situation, so first you’ll need to figure out whether or not they actually meant to be rude or passive aggressive. To do this, look for context clues in your conversation. Here are some tips: Assess the topic of the convo. Were you talking about something serious, or something casual? If you were having a light conversation about something small or silly, it’s more likely they meant the phrase in a neutral or positive way. Think about their tone of voice. Did they say the phrase in a lighthearted way, or did they sound annoyed, frustrated, or dismissive? Their tone of voice is a good clue to help you determine how they might have been feeling. Check their facial expression. Were they smiling or wearing a neutral expression? Or did they look a little upset or annoyed? Sometimes, people's facial expressions reveal someone's true feelings, even when they're trying to hide them.

Offer some more info to back up your statement. If you think that the other person actually was being rude when they said “if you say so,” try standing up to them and challenging their skepticism. One way to do this is to give them some more evidence to back up your point of view. For example, if you say you’re super prepared for a test at school, and your friend responds “if you say so” because they think you didn’t study enough, you could say: “Yeah actually, I’m pretty confident because I took a practice test, and I got an A on it. I think that proves that I’m prepared.” Or, if you say you’re you’re going to be a famous singer someday, and your friend dismissively replies, “Okay, if you say so,” you could say: “I’m practicing really hard and I believe in myself, so yeah, I actually do think I can do it one day.”

Tell them they have a right to their own opinion. If you think that the other person said the phrase in a more neutral or positive way, it may be best to just agree to disagree. People have different opinions sometimes, and that’s totally fine! For example, if you say that The Wizard of Oz is the best movie of all time, and your friend replies, “Okay, if you say so,” because they like another movie better, you could say: “Okay, we’re entitled to our own opinions! The Wizard of Oz is my favorite, but I know yours is The Sound of Music, and that one’s great too.”

Similar Phrases

Whatever you say “Whatever you say” has a very similar definition to “if you say so.” It basically means that you don’t fully agree with someone, but you don’t want to get into a back-and-forth argument with them, so you’ll go along with what they’re saying. Here’s an example: Person 1: “I really think we should get her concert tickets for her birthday.” Person 2: “What if she's busy on the day of the concert?” Person 1: “She can always just change her plans if she’s busy.” Person 2: “Okay, whatever you say.”

If you really think so “If you really think so” is usually used to express doubt or skepticism about what someone’s saying, just like “if you say so.” It means that you’ll accept the other person’s statement, but you’re not fully convinced. For example: Person 1: “We should review Chapter 20 for the study session.” Person 2: “Are you sure? Chapter 21 is harder, so we should work on that.” Person 1: “The professor focused on Chapter 20 the most in class, so I think that’s what she’ll focus on in the test.” Person 2: “Okay, if you really think so.”

Agree to disagree “Agree to disagree” means that you and another person have different opinions, but neither one of you can convince the other to change their mind, so you’re deciding not to argue about it. It can be used in more serious contexts, and in lighthearted disagreements. Example 1: “I don’t think it’s the right call to cancel the party just because one person can’t make it. But I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.” Example 2: “I can tell I’m not going to be able to convince you that pop is the best music genre, so let’s just agree to disagree.”

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