Aries Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Aries Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Find out what the stars have in store for you in the New Year.



2009 will bring you a freshness of perspective and ideas galore. However,for about a month starting January,you may find that you have lots of inner conversations, and choose to stay by yourself. Don't forget, that with Mercury in retrograde, there are bound to be miscommunications.

You don't have to worry because this'll come to an end in the first week of February. Once you're able to fight through these misunderstandings, there's only one way for you up!

Be careful around June. During this time, immature adults may try to bend your ear with their ideas. Misunderstandings could occur even in the most relaxed of atmospheres. Be clear about what you hear and say, especially if there is a risk involved. Take practical steps and accept limitations while you take serious steps toward your long term goals. Sometime during the mid year, you will realise that you no longer want to put brakes on personal relationships; open communication will be IT for you for a long time.

You are likely to take impulsive decisions, which is good in a lot of ways; just make sure these are not going to impact your financial status in the long run. Come November and things that were going wrong will begin to come back on track. A tremendous potential exists for you to achieve your dreams. Some of you were probably influenced by others, at times not positively, this is just the perfect time to break away and be who you want to be, instead of trying to fit in.


The year 2009 begins with the promise of love for those of you in search of it. You'll be surprised by the numbers of admirers you`re going to have. What's more, your irresistible charm will peak this year! If you`re someone who faced marital issues last year, this will surely bring a respite in that province, thanks, in a large part, to your understanding nature. This promises to be a gratifying time for all kinds of relationships, so to speak.

You make peace and resolve differences that have driven you apart. Your heart meter goes way up. You might also recognize that life is better with a certain person in your life. Single parents, too, will feel this to be a great time in your love life. All the good things that will happen in your love life at this point of time are due to the favourable influence of Venus and Jupiter.

During the middle of the year, your bond with your mate strengthens. The influence of Rahu and Venus ensures that you feel really close to your spouse. Some of you take things a step further and discuss commitment or babies. Things are getting serious and interesting at the same time. As the year comes to an end, however, you may encounter problems with your mate, caused due to the influence of Venus and Ketu. This can be avoided by not letting others interfere in your relationship.


Also, you need to trust your partner and not pay heed to rumours. With a little caution, you are sure to have a great time in your romantic life.


What a wonderful year this is going to be! Luck and good fortune are going to take a special liking to you starting January and will stay by your side almost all round the year. Your ruling planet Mars ensures that you remain ambitious and hard working. You'll trust your instincts and take decisions accordingly. To add to your good fortune, the influence of the planets Jupiter and Saturn help you achieve success with ease almost until July.

You will not have to make a hard pitch for any kind of marketing or sales. The stars shine and support you in any changes that you decide to make. You attract top tier buyers and clients. Your energy excites others and makes them recognize that some of your suggestions or offers are in high demand. Whenever you need to start any new venture, remember that Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays are your lucky days.

There could be a small break in all these good tidings during April when communications regarding speculative ventures and investments may be particularly prone to error. This will be a good time to review your creative projects. Those looking for a dream job'll see your dreams becoming a reality quite out of the blue.

During the mid year, there could be some dilemmas that you would need to take care of. In such a case, make a conscious, deliberate effort to retain a positive attitude. By the end of the year, you see many new exciting career opportunities coming your way. Recognition is all yours for taking this 2009.


2009 turns out to be a very good year, financially, compared to 2008. Gain is indicated especially for those investing in properties and share market. If you have been facing any problems with home loan you will see them being cleared at the beginning of the year itself. The Moon and Jupiter are in your favour during this period. This is a good time for those who have applied for loans as you will face no problems from any front regarding either getting a loan or related issues.

A legal issue will be solved and you are likely to benefit from this. Your gut feelings will help you make important financial decisions. Just keep working at it - and get comfortable with the fine art of negotiation.

Towards the middle of the year, you may have to travel a lot and this may lead to expenses. Be vigilant and you will make money from your investments. This is a good time to invest in the share market, as it is likely to bring you profit.

Your family expenditure will be well maintained due to the favourable influence of Venus. The end of the year will be good for you and you will benefit from foreign investments. This is the time when you will face no hassles on the financial front. A new partnership or alliance could be very promising at this time.


2009 is a year where you would need to have a true-blue positive attitude and be careful about your routine and diet. Although the beginning may not be as promising as you'd ideally like it to be, the phase passes without any severe pendulum swings.


A proper diet and exercise well to avoid these health problems. There are chances of your suffering from cold and cough due to the influence of Sun, Jupiter and Rahu. Old people are likely to suffer from body ache during this period.

Cervical patients need to take special care of themselves. Alternate therapies alongside your regular medication would show very positive results. Mid year may make you feel a bit sluggish. Just be careful about your immune system as certain allergic reactions could surface around November with Neptune going retrograde.

Also, beware of the carelessness of others; it could affect you as part of the ripple effect. Your health will improve if you go for a daily walk in the morning. Stomach aches are indicated so do take care.

Due to a change in season you may suffer from some problems so take precautions. The end of the year will be fine and you will face no major health problems. Yoga, meditation and pranayam will benefit you immensely, start practicing these immediately.

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