At UNSC, US urges world to support India
At UNSC, US urges world to support India
The US says it supports the role of the UN in global fight against terrorism.

United Nations: Expressing full solidarity with India in its fight against terrorism in the wake of Mumbai terror attacks, the United States on Tuesday called on the international community to work together in a "strategic and coordinated manner" to defeat the scourge.

"No geographical region, country or international organisation is immune from terror strikes. The international community should work in a strategic and coordinated manner if it is to be successful in the common struggle against terrorism," its ambassador to UN Zalmay Khalilzad said while addressing a Security Council meeting.

The US strongly supports the central role of the United Nations in the global fight against terrorism, he said, pledging to strengthen the world body's ability to play a "constructive and effective role."

According to reports, the US plans to send names of four former top Pakistani military officials, including ex-ISI chiefs, as also Pakistan-based militant groups to the UN Security Council for imposing sanctions against them for alleged links to terrorist activities.

Asking all member states to work together in close cooperation to defeat the scourge, he stressed on the need for all countries to comply with their international obligation to deny terrorists safe havens and bring to justice those who finance, plan, facilitate or perpetrate terrorist acts.

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