Bangalore cops probe Dr Evils' link to IISc attack
Bangalore cops probe Dr Evils' link to IISc attack
Australian police release five Indian doctors after questioning them.

New Delhi: Has the father of the suspected Glasgow bomber identified him as his son Kafeel? Sources told CNN-IBN that Maqbool Ahmed gave a positive ID on Kafeel after seeing his TV grabs.

Officially, the Bangalore police are mum, but unofficially they were the first to confirm the Glasgow bomber as Bangalore's Kafeel Ahmed. And to add to the confusion, close relatives and the family lawyer say that the boys' father is mentally disturbed and suffering from Alzheimer's.

"The police is not interrogating his family, it's just a normal inquiry. The father didn't come out only. Past three days he is inside the house. Whenever we are inside, he is only crying. I request all of you to support the family at this time of crisis," Mohammad Javed, the family lawyer, told journalists on Saturday.

Bangalore police is now widening their investigation and looking for links between Kafeel and Sabeel and the terror attack at Bangalore's Indian Institute of Sciences two years ago. Police teams are questioning all known associates, friends and families of the two brothers.

The police are also scrutinising e-mails, Internet chats and other communication transcripts of Sabeel, Kafeel and Mohammed Haneef. They were recovered from a computer and a hard disk seized form their home on Friday. Police sources confirmed that no incriminating evidence has been found so far.

"When I say we are conducting an investigation, it means all of that. We are not only checking the family background, but also all possible links to terrorism,"

Meanwhile, the British police on Saturday filed the first charges in the case. Suspected mastermind and Iraqi doctor Bilal Abdulla became the first person to be charged for the foiled bombings last week.

The London police charged him with conspiracy to cause explosions, a charge which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Produced in a London court, Abdulla spoke only briefly to give his name and the date of birth. He'll be in custody till the 27th of this month.

And in Australia, the police spread the net of their investigations wider. The Federal Police have already released five Indian doctors after questioning them. No charges have been framed against them, but further questioning of the five and other Indian doctors is not ruled out.

Mohammad Haneef, though, remains in police custody in Brisbane. But could his luck be turning? His employers at this hospital said on Saturday that they wanted the popular doctor back.

(With Akanksha Banerjee in London)

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