All of Bengal is already ready to go into celebratory mode as just 3 weeks remain for the Durga Pujas. A housewife from Bankura has created a stunning idol of Goddess Durga using sugarcane peels, capturing everyone’s attention. This is no ordinary statue; it holds hidden meaning crafted by her own hands over nearly a month. While managing household chores, Arpita Sarkar, a resident of Bhaktapara in Bankura, dedicated her nights to gradually bringing the idol to life.
The statue of Goddess Durga is divided into two parts. The right side represents Goddess Durga as the destroyer of demons, showing her fierce form subduing the buffalo demon Mahishasura. In contrast, the left side portrays a victim, her face reflecting the trauma of abuse. Symbolically, the left side includes a knife, handcuffs and a noose, all made from the same sugarcane peels, with a total cost of only Rs 200 to 300.
Arpita is skilled in creating artistic works from various discarded materials, producing new idols each year before Durga Puja. This year, she has once again crafted a striking idol, but with a focus on the contemporary issue of women’s safety and abuse, which is evident in her artwork. Arpita stated, “Every woman embodies a mother. Therefore, ensuring women’s safety is crucial. While we worship the mother, women are facing abuse, which is unacceptable.”
Since childhood, Arpita has aspired to create art. Although she has not formally learned, she has explored various forms of art, from micro art to abstract art. Previously, she has impressed many with her unique creations, including a small terracotta idol of Durga and a World Cup made of rice. Thus, leading up to Durga Puja 2024, it was expected that she would deliver another creation for the people of Bankura. By crafting Goddess Durga from sugarcane peels, she fulfilled that expectation.
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