Better to wait and watch new Chinese leadership: Dalai Lama
Better to wait and watch new Chinese leadership: Dalai Lama
On 26/11 Mumbai attacks and hanging of Ajmal Kasab, Lama said, attacks such as these are consequences of immense hatred, which people must blot out.

Bangalore: Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama on Tuesday said it would be better to wait and watch as to how the new team in Beijing following the change of leadership of Chinese Communist Party would address the struggle of the Tibetans for liberation of their homeland.

"At this moment, it is too early to say definite... but system is such that one or two individuals cannot do much, so better to wait (and watch) another six months, or a year or two like that," Dalai Lama, on a brief visit to the state, said.

The Dalai Lama, who arrived in Bangalore on Monday, participated in an event on Tuesday, organised by Tumkur university and later at Bangalore University.

On 26/11 Mumbai attacks and hanging of Ajmal Kasab, Lama said, attacks such as these are consequences of immense hatred, which people must blot out. Earlier in the day, he was conferred honorary professorship by Tumkur University at Tumkur.

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