Bigg Boss 7: You mean nothing to me, says Armaan to Tanishaa
Bigg Boss 7: You mean nothing to me, says Armaan to Tanishaa
As Armaan and Sangram fought and questioned each others integrity, Tanishaa was asked to stand up for Armaan.

New Delhi: There was peace in the morning on Day 51 as the inmates woke up feeling happy after spending an eventful Diwali inside the house. But the peace was short lived because the moment Bigg Boss appointed inmates the task of week, the simmering tensions amongst the inmates came out in the open.

Bigg Boss introduced the Rajneeti task and Sangram and Kamya were asked to be leaders and form their own political parties. They were also asked to deliver an opening speech based on which the housemates were asked to decide whether they wanted to support Sangram or Kamya. However, during the task contestants had the liberty to change their party if they were not satisfied with their leader. Armaan who was initially supporting Sangram's party decided to switch to the other party when he realized that heSangram had been diplomatic while never taking a stand for anything throughout his stand inside the house.

Losing his cool, Armaan screamed and abused Sangram and stated that he was the most dangerous person in the house. While Sangram was initially pacifying Armaan, he lost his cool when Armaan started using cuss words and almost charged at him but was stopped by Andy and Ajaz.

In the middle of the argument, both Sangram and Armaan accused each other of planning and criticizing housemates behind their back. Armaan asked Tanishaa to tell the rest of the housemates that how he has never conspired or planned against anyone in the house. While Tanishaa did confirm it, she later mentioned to Armaan in front of Candy that how everyone in the house is plotting against each other. Armaan got flared up and told Tanishaa that she means nothing to him from now on.

By the end of the day, Sangram himself changed his party and went to Kamya's party while Ellie was declared as the leader of the opposing party.


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