BJPs Telangana Poru in Karimnagar begins
BJPs Telangana Poru in Karimnagar begins
KARIMNGAR: The town has virtually acquired a saffron hue and is decked out with BJP falgs, banners, festoons and welcome arches fo..

KARIMNGAR: The town has virtually acquired a saffron hue and is decked out with BJP falgs, banners, festoons and welcome arches for Tuesday's  Telangana Poru.Leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj will address an expected crowd of one lakh at the public meeting which will be held at Ambedkar Stadium in the evening. With this meeting the BJP intends to intensify the Telangana movement and pressurise the Congress into introducing Telangana bill in the next session of Parliament.The party will also use the occasion to activate its cadre for ensuing local body polls. For the past one week party leaders have been engaged in efforts to mobilise people.Party senior leaders Ch Vidyasagar Rao, Baddam Bal Reddy and others are camping in the town, the hot-bed of Telangana separatist movement, reviewing the arrangements.Motorcycle rallies, door-to-door visits to invite people to the meeting in the traditional manner by applying vermilion/kumkum to them are being organised. On Monday women folk celebrated Bonalu, the festival unique to the region, at the Indira Crossroad (Telangana Chowk).

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