Chinese submarines a concern: Indian Navy Chief
Chinese submarines a concern: Indian Navy Chief
The Admiral admitted that the ingenious aircraft carrier programmes was facing delays due to shortage of equipments.

New Delhi: Navy Chief Admiral Nirmal Verma on Friday said that Chinese submarines with long-range missiles are a matter of concern for India. He said that the Indian Navy is looking at upgrading its fleet soon.

"Navy is looking at 150 ships fleet and 1000 aircraft and helicopters by 2025. Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh is being considered for raising an Amphibious training facility," Admiral Verma said.

The Admiral admitted that the ingenious aircraft carrier programmes was facing delays due to shortage of critical equipments.

"The delay in Indian aircraft carrier is because of problems with the gear box that has not come on time. Sea trials of indigenous nuclear submarine INS Arihant will be held in a few months. Project 75 to develop India indigenous submarine will have air independent propulsion," he said.

Admiral Verma also said that the Navy was facing shortage of officers which is currently at 18 per cent of its sanctioned strength.

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