CSE claims and Cola counterclaims
CSE claims and Cola counterclaims
CSE has been discussing and deliberating the issues raised by the soft drinks companies for over three years.

CSE's claim

In a comprehensive study covering 12 states, CSE has found dangerous levels of pesticides in all samples of soft drinks tested.

The Cola issue

In collaboration with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the standard setting agency, CSE has been discussing and deliberating the issues raised by the soft drinks companies for over three years.

After three years of deliberations and 20 meetings, the BIS has finalised a standard for soft drinks but has abstained from notifying it. CSE, a member of the BIS committee, has fought hard to get the standard notified. There are still no standards regulating the presence of pesticides, known toxins, in soft drinks.

The Standards Fight

Three years ago, CSE found unsafe levels of pesticides in soft drinks. The Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC), constituted to judge the CSE report, endorsed the CSE study and asked for soft drinks standards to be set.

Milk has more pesticides: Cola Companies

If soft drinks contain a cocktail of pesticides, they are unsafe. But the companies say there are no stipulated standards. The reason is simple: they don’t allow standards to be formulated. The companies say milk and vegetables have more pesticides than colas. But milk and vegetables also have nutrition. They give us something in this poison-nutrition trade-off.

The Big Fight

CSE’s pesticides campaign revolves around the issue of safety from toxins. Pesticides are tiny toxins and even small doses have significant health effects and are known to cause cancer, neurological problems and various other disorders.

(Source: www.cseindia.org)

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