Early Treatment of Dengue Crucial; If Left Untreated, This Mosquito-borne Disease Can Turn Fatal
Early Treatment of Dengue Crucial; If Left Untreated, This Mosquito-borne Disease Can Turn Fatal
Although there is no cure for dengue so far, however, its early diagnosis and medical care can help a victim. It’s pertinent to keep in mind that this mosquito-borne disease can become fatal in nature if left untreated.

A mosquito-borne disease, dengue fever typically occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. This disease is often mistaken for malaria. Although there is no cure for dengue so far, however, its early diagnosis and medical care can help a victim. It’s pertinent to keep in mind that this mosquito-borne disease, which mainly breaks out during the monsoon season, can become fatal in nature if left untreated.

Dengue is a viral infection cause due to the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito. On biting, the virus from the mosquito enters a human body and reproduces in white blood cells. The virus has four different types, each of increasing severity. Infection with one type gives lifelong immunity to it and short-term immunity to the other types. Initially, dengue fever was prevalent only in Asia and Latin America. However, it further spread to other places and presently, about half the world’s population is at risk.

So let’s discuss about the fatality of this disease. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), dengue can prove to be deadly if proper treatment is not provided to the patient. Most people who suffer from Dengue fever often confuse it with Malaria. Sometimes, even health officials are prone to make this mistake. To tell the difference we need to be aware of the symptoms of the disease.

Typically between four to 10 days, the symptoms of dengue start to appear. Apart from high temperature, dengue fever symptoms also include severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pains, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands or a rash.

A vaccine called Dengvaxia was discovered to combat dengue. However, controversy revolving around the vaccine began to emerge. A French drug based vaccine maker Sanofi Pasteur made a statement that the vaccine poses higher risks to people without prior dengue infection. It must only be used in endemic areas and should be given to people between the ages of 9-45.

To fight against dengue, there are other vaccines which are currently in clinical trials. However, a, important factor which concerns the vaccines is that it must protect against all four types of dengue fever. So before taking any vaccine, it’s very important to consult a doctor about all the benefits and risks involved in it.

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