High alert at airport after bomb threat
High alert at airport after bomb threat
Intelligence Bureau in Delhi received a phone call that a bomb would go off at Chennai airport around 1 pm on Friday...

CHENNAI: Tense moments prevailed at the airport here after the Intelligence Bureau  (IB) in Delhi received a phone call threatening that a bomb would go off at the Chennai airport on Friday.Following this, the suburban police were put on high alert. According to the police, on Friday afternoon, the IB received a call stating that a bomb would go off at the  airport around 1 pm. The IB sleuths immediately alerted their counterparts in their Chennai wing and also the state intelligence, who passed on the information to the suburban police.Instantly, bomb detection and dog squads took positions at the airport. A posse of 50 police personnel, besides para-military forces were also pressed into service and they started frisking both visitors and passengers.  An airport security committee meeting was also held.Airport police station inspector Arockia Reveendran said, “The call was received at 12.20 pm. We conducted checks till 1 pm.” However, the fact that the caller did not mention whether the bomb would go off at 1 am or 1 pm, aroused the suspicion of the cops. Hence, they have decided to continue with the inspection and frisking till 7 am on Saturday.

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