HT Summit: Blair on India's standing | English humour
HT Summit: Blair on India's standing | English humour
Blair addressed several important issues including religious differences.

New Delhi: Former prime minister of UK Tony Blair spoke at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit on Saturday.

Blair addressed several important issues including religious differences, education leadership in a globalised world, world economy, world terrorism and enviornment issues.

Speaking on the realigious differences and education in India Blair said, "Religious differences should not pull us apart and faith can be divisive".

"Education should also be an area of international concern," he added.

He also made a case for global values driving global allainaces said the state of the world in the present scenario demands global values to guide a global alliance

"So faith can be a force for progress, globalisation rather than a force for reaction, provoking conflict. This takes us then to the nub of how the global community can function on the basis of global alliance and global alliance can only be constructed on the basis of global values"

Calling the ongoing global economic metdown a challenging world situation, Blair said it's a complex crisis for leaders to deal with. With the tumbling oil prices Blair said the need is to invest in low carbon fuel.

Advocating India role Blair said, India should exercise that power with responsibility and that the world expects greater leadership from it.

Further speaking on India's position in the world Blair said, "India will demand and receive its place as one of the major powers in the world".

Answering a question from the audience, will the West stand in the way of India and other emerging powers from assuming leadership to cope with the financial crisis?

Blair said, "You have to decide your future path. India will demand its rightful place in the councils of the world. No wonder it was the G20 that met in Washington and will meet in London and not the G8."

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