Jolie likes love scenes with women
Jolie likes love scenes with women
Jolie likes doing gay scenes because she gets a chance to chat with her women co-stars about shopping between takes.

London: Actress Angelina Jolie, currently in India to shoot the film A Mighty Heart, likes doing gay scenes because she gets a chance to chat with her women co-stars about shopping between takes.

According to, Jolie admits she misses girl-to-girl discussions whenever she has to get steamy on screen with a man.

The Tomb Raider star said, "I do definitely prefer love scenes with a woman and wouldn't hesitate to do some in the future. I love doing them because between takes you talk about the sales. One minute you're in a passionate clinch with the woman, and then the next you're discussing what outfits to wear for your night out".

A Mighty Heart, produced by actor Brad Pitt's production house, is based on the book of the same title by Daniel's wife, Mariane Pearl.

Daniel, a Wall Street Journal reporter, was kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan in 2002 while researching a story on Islamic militancy.

Pitt and Jolie are reportedly scheduled to start shooting scenes on Monday.

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