Man Assaults Woman Colleague with Iron Rod in Andhra after Being Asked to Wear Mask, Arrested
Man Assaults Woman Colleague with Iron Rod in Andhra after Being Asked to Wear Mask, Arrested
The horrific incident, caught on CCTV, shows the woman employee in AP Tourism Hotel Office first being held by hair and thrown to the floor and then attacked with an iron rod

Enraged over being asked to wear a face-mask, a government official brutally assaulted a differently-abled woman colleague in Andhra Pradesh. As the matter led to a public uproar, the Andhra Pradesh Police arrested the official and suspended him from service.

The incident, caught on CCTV, shows the woman employee in AP Tourism Hotel Office first being held by hair and thrown to the floor and then attacked with an iron rod allegedly because she had pointed out that the attacker, a colleague of hers, was not wearing a mask.

The incident happened on Saturday but came to light on Tuesday after the victim lodged a police complaint.

Deputy Manager CA Bhaskar, who pulled the woman staffer by hair, dragged her and repeatedly attacked her even as other employees in the office tried to intervene, has been taken in custody and booked under law.

Another employee tries to control him but he pushes him to the ground. He then picks up the chair handle that gets detached in the melee and repeatedly attacks her as other employees watch in horror.

Unable to witness the assault, another woman present in the office was seen rushing out. A man who walked in finally managed to snatch the rod from Bhaskar's hands.

The Nellore police said the official was booked the same day under Indian Penal Code Sections 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 355 (assault or criminal force with intent to dishonour person) and 324 (Voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means).

"The accused was arrested and is being sent in judicial remand. Nellore district police are extremely sensitive to any violation or crime against women. Women safety is our top priority," it tweeted.

Director General of Police Gautwam Sawang praised the Nellore police for taking quick action.

"Crime against women is unacceptable. We condemn the Nellore incident and action has been taken against the accused for manhandling the lady official," the police chief said.

Police said the official got angry and felt insulted after the woman colleague advised him to wear the face mask to contain the spread of coronavirus, adding the accused's samples were collected for COVID-19 test as per the protocol and he would be produced before a magistrate.

The Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (APTDC) announced Bhaskar's suspension earlier in the day.

(With inputs from IANS)

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