Monday morning blues? Heal with Reiki
Monday morning blues? Heal with Reiki
Reiki healing is used to heal physical and emotional issues.

Reiki healing is used to heal physical and emotional issues. It can be used to heal oneself or another person. Also, it heals and energizes animals and inanimate objects.

A Reiki practitioner acts as a channel and he/she uses their body and hands to direct healing to the recipient. Most practitioners heal by the touch of the hand or heal by holding their palms close to the recipient's body without actually making contact. Contact is not necessary for Reiki healing.

A Reiki practitioner acts like a funnel. Reiki energy, generally visualised as white light, pours into the funnel and the person at the end of the funnel receives the energy.

Reiki Sessions

A Reiki healing session typically lasts between 45 mins to an hour. In case of grave or deep-rooted illnesses, a series of sessions may be needed for complete healing.

Healing can be received with clothes on. You can wear loose clothes made of a natural fiber.

Practitioners usually ask you to lie down for the session. In general, it is a good practice to ask the healer about the session before the appointment.

Selecting the right Reiki practitioner is important, as it is with selecting your dentist or hairdresser. Look for qualities like empathy and listening skills; traits that make good healers. Ask how long the healer has been practicing Reiki.

Getting a good reference always helps. But if that is not possible, give a practitioner a try and observe if you feel any energy connection with the healer during the session. On the day of the session, relax and enjoy it. Observe how your body perceives the healing energy. Do you perceive it as heat, or as cold, do you feel vibrations or do you feel nothing at all? These are all normal possibilities.

The author is an alternative therapist, meditation instructor and art & decor enthusiast.

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