Plan to expand new bus stand in Vellore
Plan to expand new bus stand in Vellore
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsThe new bus stand in Vellore would be improved and expanded in the days to come, according to the state health minister, Dr V S Vijay. He held a meeting with the District Revenue Officer Sundaravalli and Vellore Deputy Mayor Dharmalingam on Saturday.After the meeting, he said that the Vellore New Bus Stand would be expanded by about 9.75 acres. He also said that the existing bus stand was built on 8.76 acres of land, which belonged to the Co-Operative Society. The space was purchased by the Vellore Corporation at a cost of `10 crore. Following this, the Vellore Corporation also identified 9.75 acres of land near the Chelliamman Temple owned by the HR and CE. Some part of the land also belonged to private parties.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST 
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The new bus stand in Vellore would be improved and expanded in the days to come, according to the state health minister, Dr V S Vijay. He held a meeting with the District Revenue Officer Sundaravalli and Vellore Deputy Mayor Dharmalingam on Saturday.

After the meeting, he said that the Vellore New Bus Stand would be expanded by about 9.75 acres. He also said that the existing bus stand was built on 8.76 acres of land, which belonged to the Co-Operative Society. The space was purchased by the Vellore Corporation at a cost of `10 crore. Following this, the Vellore Corporation also identified 9.75 acres of land near the Chelliamman Temple owned by the HR and CE. Some part of the land also belonged to private parties.

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