PM should convene meeting of CMs: BJP
PM  should convene meeting of CMs: BJP
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:  The Prime Minister should immediately convene a meeting of the Chief Ministers of Kerala and Tamil Nadu ..

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:  The Prime Minister should immediately convene a meeting of the Chief Ministers of Kerala and Tamil Nadu to evolve a solution on the Mullaperiyar dam issue, BJP spokesperson Nirmala Seetharaman has said.“The dam issue, which is threatening the lives of a sizeable number of population in Kerala, is also affected by the ‘paralysis’ in the government system,” she said, while addressing mediapersons here on Friday.“The BJP feels that the aspirations of the people of Kerala are not looked into by the Centre,” she said. She recalled that when a similar inter-state dispute arised on the Kaveri river issue, the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee sat with the Chief Ministers of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka and chalked out a consensus.“Just the mediation of Water Resources Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal would not resolve the issue. The Prime Minister himself should intervene, considering the emergency of the situation,” she said. Seetharaman alleged that the UPA Government was giving less importance to Parliamant. “For quite some time, the government has been resorting to executive decisions on various crucial issues without discussions in Parliament. The cool response to the Opposition demand for a discussion on the FDI in the retail sector is the latest of them,” she said.“The Centre’s interest in allowing FDI in the retail sector is quite surprising at a time when it sits over several critical issues such as the stashing of black money by Indian nationals abroad and the crisis in the farm sector,” she said.She also said that the government did not consider the Parliamentary subject committee report on the issue. “The commitee had unanimously rejected the FDI in the report submitted in 2009,” she said. “Without following the Parliamentary system in its full spirit, the UPA is flaying the Opposition for stalling the House,” she said.

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