PMK plans to build strong base in 15 LS seats
PMK plans to build strong base in 15 LS seats
TIRUCHY: After a disastrous year of electoral reverses and revolts, the PMK enters the year 2012 with hopes of building a strong b..

TIRUCHY: After a disastrous year of electoral reverses and revolts, the PMK enters the year 2012 with hopes of building a strong base in at least 15 of the 39 Lok Sabha seats in Tamil Nadu with specific plans of restructuring the party.According to sources, the party’s organisational plans and programmes would be uniform throughout the State and there would be no unique plans to counter the new party to be launched by party rebel Velmurugan on Pongal Day.Party’s youth wing secretary Arivuselvan said, “The exit of a few people have not made any difference to the party and it does not have a bearing on the party’s future prospects anywhere in the State, including Cuddalore district. Hence, specific plans to counter a few persons is not necessary.”However, Velmurugan, asserted that he would make a huge impact once he commenced his campaign after Pongal. The PMK leadership was shaken by his exit and its new plans were aimed at countering his exit, he said.Vowing to expose the PMK leadership on several issues, including that of Sri Lankan Tamils, Velmurugan recalled that Anbumani Ramadoss was part of the Un-ion government, which provided financial, military and moral support to the Lankan government during its offensive against LTTE. When most of the party MLAs and functionaries wanted Anbumani Ramadoss to resign from the Union Cabinet, the PMK leader who was claiming to be a warrior for Tamil rights rejected the demand. He added that he would reveal how Ramadoss converted the party into a family property.Arivuselvan said there are plans to strengthen the PMK from the grassroot level by recruiting students, youth and women in each village. The party has won the highest number of rural local body elections after AIADMK and DMK, he said.PMK will hold conferences in each of the 15 Lok Sabha constituencies it had identified and concentrate on panchayat union and village level. Arivuselvan said the party would project itself as an alternative to AIADMK and DMK and continue to press for prohibition policies and stress that free schemes could be implemented in health, agriculture and education fields.Velmurugan asserted his new party would have a wi-der reach. The party’s name would be announced on January 15, while its policies would be outlined at a State-level conference at Cuddalore later.

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