Some people are dreaming of becoming PM: Sharad Pawar
Some people are dreaming of becoming PM: Sharad Pawar
In an apparent barb at Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, NCP president Sharad Pawar on Saturday said, "some people have started dreaming of PM's post", adding that attempts were being made to garner votes by fomenting communal hatred.

In an apparent barb at Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, NCP president Sharad Pawar on Saturday said, "some people have started dreaming of PM's post", adding that attempts were being made to garner votes by fomenting communal hatred.

"There is a saying in Marathi, the groom in his eagerness to get married, has worn the head ornament (called baashing) on knees. Nothing is yet on the horizon, but some people have started dreaming of becoming the prime minister," Pawar said.

"To realise these dreams if there are not sufficient seats in Lok Sabha, then attempts are being made in the country today to create a conflict in the name of caste, religion and language and grab power through these means," he said.

"Those who believe in secularism should come together and raise their voice against these communal forces," Pawar said, speaking at an all-language trade union function, organised by NCP leader Vijay Kamble, in suburban Bandra.

Decrying the communal violence in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar, Pawar said, "such an atmosphere was never there in that place earlier." NCP would send a relief team to Muzaffarnagar, he said.

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