Teachers responsible for admissions: Kageri
Teachers responsible for admissions: Kageri
BANGALORE: Primary and Secondary Education Minister Vishveshwar Hegde Kageri has warned government school teachers of strict actio..

BANGALORE: Primary and Secondary Education Minister Vishveshwar Hegde Kageri has warned government school teachers of strict action if the number of students in their schools is less.
He was speaking after inaugurating new building of Yelahanka Government High School on Tuesday. He said severe action would be taken against the teachers if enrolment was less in their schools. The minister said everyone, including Block Education Officers, Deputy Directors of Public Instruction, members of school development management committee and teachers should strive to provide quality education. He said government schools could get more students only by improving the quality of education.

He went on to say that they were trying to create and enrolment revolution. He added that the government was ready to give any facility the students might need. Also, he said it should be ensured that there were no cases of drop outs.

'New schools started'

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