Two students held for abetting suicide of 20-year-old female colleague
Two students held for abetting suicide of 20-year-old female colleague
Two B.SC students were on Saturday arrested for allegedly abetting the suicide of a 20-year-old Dalit girl, their college mate whom they had been harassing for over one year, police said.

Two B.SC students were on Saturday arrested for allegedly abetting the suicide of a 20-year-old Dalit girl, their college mate whom they had been harassing for over one year, police said.

Akansha, a B.SC first year student, committed suicide on April 21 by hanging herself from the ceiling fan at her residence in Nandgram area, they said.

In a suicide note recovered from her room, Akansha had allegedly blamed her three classmates - Aakash, Ashutosh and Ankur - for her death.

Aakash and Ashutosh were on Saturday arrested by the Crime Branch of the UP Police after a detailed investigation of the case, police said, adding that they were also booked under the SC/ST Act.

The accused are also B.SC students of the same college as the victim and knew her for a long time, police said.

"Aakash and Ashutosh used to mentally harass Akansha by sending her obscene messages on Facebook. When the victim deleted them from her friend list, Aakash opened seven fake accounts on Facebook and again started harassing her," said a senior police official.

The official said Aakash and Ashutosh would also send obscene messages to Akansha on her mobile phone.

Police have booked the duo for abetment to suicide and charges under the IT Act and SC/ST Act.

"Police have found 300 chats between Aakash and Akansha from January to April 20 this year. Ashutosh was also harassing her. We found roles of Ashutosh and Aakash in abetting her suicide, but police are also scanning the role of Ankur.

"If Ankur, who is named in the FIR registered by the victim's parents after her suicide, is also found involved, police would definitely arrest him," he said.

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