Your fitness queries answered
Your fitness queries answered
You wrote in with your questions, yoga expert Shalini Vadehra replies.

New Delhi: You wrote in with your questions, yoga expert Shalini Vadehra replies.

1) Syed Inayath asks: Please can you suggest how much time we have to spent on yogasans. What is the importance of inhaling and exhaling.

Shalini: Dear Syed,

One must try to hold on to a posture for 20 to 30 seconds..but if you are a get into the correct posture and holding it for even 10seconds to begin with, is great.

If you are talking about a whole routine of yoga, well then, one must try to do an hour which should include warm up, asana,pranayama+bandhas(if possible)and relaxation or meditation.

Exhalation, helps removes impurities and makes place for oxygen to enter our body while inhalation provides us oxygen and help us focus on our movement, reducing chances of injury as it by passes our thoughts and calms us down. This removes the stiffness in the muscle that may have been caused due to tension or stress.

2) Ashutosh Dhamankar asks:

I saw you giving an impressive demonstration for weight loss on CNN-IBN.I am having acute acidity which leads to indigestion and diarrhea. I am a regular jogger. However I also consume alcohol and Punjabi food 2/3 times a week. Kindly guide me as to which aasanas I should perform. Also inform per return mail,the time of telecast of your demonstration.

Shalini:Dear Ashutosh,

Thank you for your appreciation.

Habits kept in moderation usually don't have harmful side effects. Please enjoy your food and drinks in moderation.

1) Eat meals on time, try finishing your dinner by 7:30pm.Try and keep your meals light and mildly spicy.

2) asanas-vajrasana, for10-15mins after each meal(if possible)

3) pawanmuktasana every morning.

You can watch my yoga segment every Wednesday at around 8:45am.

Keep your questions coming in, at [email protected]. Stay fit!

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