11 incredible destinations that will make you hop on a plane to Burma
11 incredible destinations that will make you hop on a plane to Burma
The largest nation of mainland Southeast Asia bordering India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand changed its name from Burma to Myanmar in 1989.

The largest nation of mainland Southeast Asia bordering India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand changed its name from Burma to Myanmar in 1989 and its capital moved from Yangon (formerly Rangoon) to Nay Pyi Taw in 2006. Kyat is the currency of this beautiful nation, which has more than 100 ethnic groups with most people living in the fertile valley and delta of the Irrawaddy River. People of Myanmar mostly speak Burmese and some other minor languages and are followers of Buddhism, Christianity or Islam. Read on to know about the must-visit locations in Burma.


In Yangon, the magnificent Shwedagon Pagoda (revered by both, Buddhist and non-Buddhists equally) is the most prominent landmark, which was built more than 2000 years ago. Another place that every visitor must visit is the Bogyoke Aung San market (also called Scott’s Market).


Perched on the highest mountain of Paunglaung mountain-range (at the top of Mt. Kyaiktiyo), lies the gravity-defying Golden Rock, which is one of the most breathtaking and sacred places of Myanmar, a glimpse of which is believed to be enough to inspire any person to turn to Buddhism.


Monywa has some of the most incredible stone curving and mural paintings all over the Poewindaung mountain caves. According to the myth the solid section of the Thanboday pagoda (a must-visit place) is engraved 7350 relics and other holy items. An amazing site to explore is the Boddhi-tataung (1000 Buddhas), which has a group of banyan trees with a Buddha image at each of the tree feet. It also has the biggest standing Buddha image all over the world is located in Khatakan Taung, a village in Monywa.


Mandalay, located between the mighty Ayeyarwaddy River and the Shan plateau was the last Royal Capital of Myanmar and is considered as the centre of Burmese culture. The former Royal Palace, the pagodas, the monasteries and the sacred Mandalay Hill are the places that attract tourists the most.


Bagan was the capital of Myanmar’s first dynasty. There are over 2000 temples and stupas on the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River. This place houses temples with magnificent architecture, incredibly fine mural or frescos paintings, brilliant stucco carvings, and the most elegant Buddha images.

Inle Lake

The lake is situated in the Shan State. Here you’ll be able to witness numerous villages on stilts and floating gardens against the hazy mountain ranges.

Mrauk U

Marauk U is known for its old temples with wall paintings and religious statues revealing influence of Indian cultural. This place used to be the centre of the mighty kingdom and was one of the richest cities in Asia.

Pyin O Lwin

Clock Tower and old shop houses, the colorful horse drawn carriages, which are still the preferred mode of transport, are some of the amusing things about this place. The subtropical vegetation, the English style houses and gardens here have also been noticed to be quite different and unique.


Pindaya is famous for its caves, housing more than 8000 Buddha images.


The mergui Archipelago, located on the most southern part of Myanma comprises of over 800 islands with Mangrove Rivers and caves, which are an ideal place for sea kayaks and rubber dinghy. Nature Safaris, at Kawthaung (formally known as Victoria Point) are another highlighting feature about Myeik.


Ngapali is said to be one of the best beaches in Myanmar, famous for its natural and unspotted beauty up to this day. The beach has soft white sand fringed by coconut palms.

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