International Yoga Day 2021: A look at the 18 types of Yoga Mentioned in Bhagavad Gita
International Yoga Day 2021: A look at the 18 types of Yoga Mentioned in Bhagavad Gita
International Day of Yoga 2021: As the world recognised its benefits, it started observing June 21 as International Yoga Day, since the year 2015

Regular yoga helps to maintain holistic strength, balance metabolism, improve muscle strength, increase flexibility, refine the respiration system, and get a toned body. The list does not end here, there are many other benefits too which also include inner peace and happiness. As the world recognised its benefits, it started observing June 21 as International Yoga Day, since the year 2015. According to the Hindu holy scripture Bhagavad Gita, there are 18 types of yoga.

And the list begins with:

Karma yoga: Karma Yoga or Karma which means action. According to the holy scripture, one should perform his/her duty or actions without thinking of the outcome. One should act selflessly without any expectations from the outcome.

Bhakti yoga: It is considered one of the easiest forms of yoga. This form of yoga lays emphasis on the power of devotion and love between God and his disciple. It advises an individual to get absorbed in the supreme soul, that is, God.

Jnana yoga: This yoga suggests that people should seek ‘Jnana’ or knowledge to enlighten their lives. Bhagavad Gita advocates that by attaining knowledge, one can attain salvation.

Karma Vairagya yoga: As per Bhagavad Gita Karma Vairagya yoga teaches humans to choose the path of action and sacrifice. The holy scripture considers Karma and renunciation as means to liberation.

Paramhamsa Vijnana or Vigyana yoga: The Paramhamsa Vijnana enlightens a person to take the path of realizing the ultimate truth.

Dhyana or Abhyasa yoga: This is the sixth chapter of Bhagavad Geeta that teaches an individual about the importance of meditation. It suggests that people who perform Dhyana yoga are able to concentrate deeper.

Visadh yoga: Whenever dilemmas cloud over mind, an individual performs Visadh yoga.

Sankhya yoga: As per the holy scripture, Sankhya yoga is popularly known as the yoga of analysis. This form of yoga is about logical reasoning and intellect.

Raja Vidya yoga: It teaches an individual to please Para Brahman to gain secret knowledge. Raja Vidya yoga is also known as yoga through the king of sciences.

Vibhuti Vistara yoga: This guides people to focus on the path of godliness. Vibhuti Vistara yoga is performed through appreciating the infinite opulence of God.

Vishwaroopa Darshana yoga: The Bhagavad Gita advocates that one can obtain the omnipresent form of the supreme being. Vishwaroopa Darshana yoga also means yoga through beholding the cosmic form of God.

Kshetra Kshetrejna Vibhaga yoga: Through this form of yoga, the Gita advises an individual to give up ego. This yoga is about associating the supreme being with nature, man, and intellect.

Gunatraya Vibhaga yoga: Gunatraya Vibhaga yoga or yoga through understanding the three modes of material nature. It requires people to understand three qualities, which are Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic.

Purushottama yoga: It is also known as the yoga of supreme divine personality wherein an individual learns about the infinite nature of the supreme being.

Daivasura Sampad Vibhaga yoga: As per Bhagavad Gita, one should learn the difference between evil and divine qualities, therefore Daivasura Sampad Vibhaga yoga helps in it.

Aksara Parabrahman yoga: This form of yoga in the holy Gita talks about the immortal nature of the Para Brahman.

Shraddhatraya Vibhaga yoga: It teaches a person the understanding of goodness, passion and ignorance in life. Basically, a person should be aware of his actions and thoughts.

Moksha Upadesha yoga: The last and 18th form of yoga in Gita is the Moksha Upadesha yoga. It teaches a person to detach from worldly distractions and surrender to God.

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