Muharram 2024: Tazia Procession and the Significance of the Day of Ashura
Muharram 2024: Tazia Procession and the Significance of the Day of Ashura
Tazia is a symbolic structure made from bamboo, decorated with colourful papers, fabric, flowers and lights.

Muharram is considered the second most sacred month in Islam after Ramadan. It marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year. In 2024, it began on July 7 and will conclude on July 17 with Ashura. On the last day, Muslims worldwide observe the day with Tazia processions. They carry the replicas of the tomb of Imam Hussain, the son of Hazrat Ali and grandson of Prophet Muhammad. Imam Hussain was martyred in the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD, fighting against the army of the Umayyad Caliph Yazid I. In this article, we will understand the meaning of the Tazia procession and the significance of Ashura.

Tazia Procession

Tazia is a symbolic structure made from bamboo, decorated with colourful papers, fabric, flowers and lights. The structure is usually brought home between the first and ninth days of Muharram. On Ashura, the Tazia is carried to a cemetery for burial. During this procession, followers dress in black and walk on the streets, chanting Ya Hussain and Ya Ali while beating their chests.

Significance Of the Day Of Ashura

Ashura is among the most sacred days for Sunni and Shia Muslims, and it is observed differently by each group. Sunnis observe the day by fasting to remember the moment when Prophet Musa (Moses) and the Israelites were rescued from Pharaoh by the parting Red Sea. It is believed that Prophet Muhammad encouraged fasting on this day to appreciate the miracle.

For Shias, Ashura is a day of mourning to honour the sacrifice of Imam Hussain ibn Ali, after he was killed in the Battle of Karbala fighting for his people.

Meanwhile, both Muslim communities also observe Ashura with special gatherings where religious leaders recount the historical events and share spiritual lessons. People also do religious charity, offer food to the less privileged and offer prayers.

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