What Are The 12 Poses Of Surya Namaskar? Know Its Benefits
What Are The 12 Poses Of Surya Namaskar? Know Its Benefits
Surya Namaskar keeps the body in good shape and improves the overall well-being of a person.

Surya Namaskar is a complete body workout that boosts flexibility, strength, and stamina. This yoga includes a series of postures and breathing exercises. It stretches the muscles and enhances endurance over time. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar is very beneficial for the body as it keeps it in good shape and improves the overall well-being of a person. It is beneficial for women during post-pregnancy as well because, during pregnancy, many nerves, bones, and muscles of the body become loose. In such a situation, more hard work and flexibility is needed. To reduce this post-pregnancy weight and make the body fit, Surya Namaskar can be very effective, as claimed by Delhi Yoga trainer Shashank Gupta.

He also cites that practising Surya Namaskar can help in better supply of oxygen to the whole body. Know about the ways to practise Surya Namaskar.

  1. Pranamasana: According to the yoga trainer, Surya Namaskar starts with Pranamasana. To do this, first stand straight, join both of your feet, and keep your waist straight. Now, bring your hands closer to your chest and make a pranam mudra.

    Hasta Uttanasana: To reduce post-pregnancy weight, you can also practise Hasta Uttanasana. For this, stand straight, take your hands above your head, and slowly bend backward. Keep breathing deeply.

    Padahastasana: Padhastasan should also be practised to stay fit. After Hasta Uttanasana, slowly exhale, bend forward, and try to touch the toes with your hands. In this posture, your head should meet your knees.

    Ashva Sanchalanasana: After this, take the right leg backward and place the knee on the ground. During this, bend the other leg and keep your palms straight on the ground. It is necessary to keep your head facing upwards and look forward.

    Dandasana: Now keep both your hands and legs straight and in the same line. After this, come into a push-up position, take a deep breath, and exhale after holding for some time.

    Ashtanga Namaskar: Now try to keep both your palms, chest, knees, and toes touching the ground. Keep in mind that the whole body should not touch the ground. Now stay in this position for some time.

    Bhujangasana: For this, you have to place your palms completely on the ground. Then lift the whole body and look forward. The entire weight will be on the hands.

    Adhomukha Shavasana: Adhomukha Shavasana is also known as Parvatasana. Keep your feet straight on the ground and now lift the hips upwards. Keep your shoulders straight and keep your mouth inward.

    Anjaneyasana: Now move the right leg backward. Keep the knee touching the ground. Now bend your other leg and touch the ground with your palms. Keep the head facing the sky. Hold for a while and take a deep breath.

    Paschimottanasana: Now get up and bend forward and touch your toes with your hands. During this, try to keep your head close to your knees.

     Anjali Mudra: Now stand in Pranam Asana raise your hands above your head and keep them straight. Now take your hands backward in the same Pranam posture and bend your waist backward.

    Pranamasana: Now stand in the first position and make a Pranamasana posture with your hands and inhale deeply and exhale.

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