Varun Dhawan Urges Fans to Take Care of Mother Nature
Varun Dhawan Urges Fans to Take Care of Mother Nature
On the work front, Varun Dhawan next will be seen onscreen in Sharat Kataria's Sui Dhaga followed by Abhishek Varman's Kalank.

Mumbai: Actor Varun Dhawan has said it is high time that "we start taking care of mother nature".

Varun was interacting with media on Tuesday at #SaveTheBeach clean-up drive on the occasion of World Environment Day at Juhu beach here.

Talking about #SaveTheBeach clean-up drive, he said: "I think it's a wonderful initiative and now so many initiatives have started all across India. India is known for its rich culture and beautiful people."

"It's high time that we start taking care of mother nature which is part of our culture as ayurveda is known from India and I think #SaveTheBeach is beautiful initiative where so many powerful women have come together to make sure that we can achieve lot more than this."

On the work front, Varun Dhawan next will be seen onscreen in Sharat Kataria's Sui Dhaga followed by Abhishek Varman's Kalank.

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