Heavy rains in Mumbai have led to the cancellation of the shoot of TV show Yeh Hai Chahatein. Actress Aishwarya Sakhuja, who plays the role of Ahaana Khurana, through her Instagram stories informed what she witnessed on her way to the set of the show. Heavy rains-induced landslides caused traffic on the Western Express Highway (WEH) near Kandivli.
Her stories were also shared by ETimes on its Instagram account. The actress was halfway when she received a message from the production informing that the shoot had been called off in light of the excessive rains.
"I step down from my house around 6:15 to be at my set around 7:30. It usually takes me an hour to reach but today I saw a lot of destruction on the road because of crazy rains that happened last night onwards,” she said.
In one of the clips, the actress can be heard urging her followers to stay safe and not to step out of their homes until it's really important. In another video, Aishwarya said that she witnessed a car being crushed under a pole and fallen trees on the road.
Apart from Aishwarya, Yeh Hai Chahatein features Sargun Kaur Luthra and Abrar Qazi in lead roles.
In the show, Ahaana's father has been arrested and put behind the bars as he shot Prisha. He also hurt her son Saraansh.
Following the arrest of her father, Ahaana is trying to impress Prisha and her family so that she could enjoy a lavish life.
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