BCom Professional Accounting: A Course That Can Make You The Future CFO
BCom Professional Accounting: A Course That Can Make You The Future CFO
Even as the business and economics have changed, career options to take at undergraduate level after pursuing commerce remain limited, here is one unique course which offers best of both worlds

In India, the preference for undergraduate commerce courses comes a close second to the engineering stream. With changes in the business and economy of the country, there is a great demand for professionals from this stream.

A couple of decades ago, most CEOs came from a sales or marketing background. The CFO was positioned, often, as the reliable number 2. That’s changed now – company boards, increasingly, choose to have CFOs take over as CEOs. On the other hand, CFOs and their teams are increasingly being asked to provide a 360-degree perspective of the business environment. They are playing an active role in operations, marketing, and overall management requiring a more strategic perspective of the business, the industry, the economy, and international business.

Ironically, most undergraduate commerce courses do not take these changed paradigms into account. Curriculum and subject matter have remained unchanged or limited in perspective compounded by the lack of research-based professional education, there are some courses that are an amalgamation of traditional and new, industry and academia, one such option is BCom Professional Accounting.

What will I study?

It has, therefore, become imperative to develop newer programs with new pedagogical aspects to match the need. BCom Professional Accounting is one such course. The course offers a firm grounding in accounting, quantitative methods, economics, finance, computing, and data analytics.

Students can also opt for specialization such as management, finance, and analytics as part of the course.

The program is so designed that the students will be able to appear for foundation, intermediate and final levels of professional examinations. Students will be well equipped to appear for the foundation examination of ICAI after the second semester and the intermediate exam of ICAI after the fourth semester. W

Where can I take up the course?

Several universities in India and abroad offer the course including Kalinga University, Christ University Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Mithibai College of Arts, Jai Hind College, Shiv Nadar University, BML Manjul, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, among others.

How to know which one is the best?

While selecting a course, there are essentially three requirements for an educational program to be top-notch: quality of the program content, quality of the faculty, and the quality of the infrastructure.

What after the course?

Graduates of this program are expected to join financial services firms, investment banks, private equity firms, insurance companies, commercial banks and other companies in the finance and planning functions and make a valuable contribution right from the beginning.

— Written by by Prof. Sriman Kumar Bhattacharyya, Vice- Chancellor, Shiv Nadar University Chennai

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