From 'Ostrich-like' Oppn's 'Kala Teeka' to Return of 'Ghamandia': Highlights of PM Modi's Lok Sabha Speech
From 'Ostrich-like' Oppn's 'Kala Teeka' to Return of 'Ghamandia': Highlights of PM Modi's Lok Sabha Speech
Responding to the no-confidence motion, the Prime Minister alleged that the Congress takes pride in amplifying false propaganda of any global survey tarnishing India's image

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday launched a sharp attack on the INDIA alliance in Parliament, stating that the no-confidence motion was a floor test of the opposition and asserting that the BJP would secure a majority in the 2024 Lok Sabha election. Responding to the no-confidence motion moved by the opposition against the Centre, PM Modi said that the motion has always proven to be lucky for his government.

Here are some highlights from the Prime Minister’s speech in the Lok Sabha:

On no-confidence motion

“The people of India showed their no-confidence towards the opposition… Opposition’s no-confidence motion has proven to be auspicious for us…They brought the motion in 2018 also. I had said it was their floor test, not of the government, and was proven right…NDA and BJP will break all records in 2024 and will come back with the blessings of people.”

“People of India have no confidence in the Congress. Some days ago, in Bengaluru, you cremated the UPA. On the one hand, you were cremating UPA and, on the other, celebrating.”

On opposition’s actions in Parliament

“They [the opposition] are not interested in the Bills being discussed in the House… Behaviour of some opposition parties has made it clear that, for them, the party is bigger than the country. They are worried about their own political future…The country feels betrayed…They are more interested in hunger for power than the hunger of poor people.”

On Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury’s speech

“I don’t know what was the compulsion of Congress for sidelining Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury. Maybe the call was made from Kolkata. The tallest leader in opposition did not rank in the list of speakers. It was Amit Shah’s magnanimity that he promised time to Chowdhury. The opposition could not prepare for debate on no-confidence motion despite so much time in hand…I gave you five years to prepare, but you came unprepared in the House. What kind of debate was done? Aapke darbari bhi dukhi hai. We are hitting centuries and they are delivering no-balls.”

On record of NDA government

“Our only resolution and goal should be development of the country. In 2014, a full majority government came after three decades, and we got a bigger mandate in 2019 because of our track record.”

“We gave a scam-free government to the youth, giving them opportunity to fly high. We also restored the pride of the country and took it to new heights.”

“The mantra of ‘reform, perform and transform’ as well as proper planning and hard work have taken country to new heights.”

Thanking opposition for abuses

“The Opposition has an ‘ostrich-like approach’, I thank its leaders for wearing black in the House as I see that as ‘kala teeka’. I convert abuses, unparliamentary language hurled at me by them into tonic…Their favourite dialogue is ‘Modi teri kabar khudegi’. Opposition leaders have a secret blessing. Whoever they curse, only prospers. They kept saying things about HAL and the defence sector, but today HAL registered its highest-ever revenue. Share marketers should invest in companies the opposition abuses.”

On Congress ‘tarnishing India’s image’

“The Congress and its friends have a history of doubting India’s capabilities and prowess. Pakistan used to attack our borders, send terrorists to our country. It used to deny its role and the Congress used to believe them. The Congress used to believe in Hurriyat and other separatists. We carried out surgical strikes and air strikes.”

“Today, whenever someone says anything ill about India, they believe in it. Congress takes pride in amplifying false propaganda of any global survey tarnishing India’s image.”

On opposition bloc INDIA

“UPA thinks it can reverse its fortune by changing its name to INDIA… The Congress is so blinded by arrogance that it cannot see the ground reality, people have deep no-confidence in it. People of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, UP, Gujarat, Bihar, Tripura, Odisha have been declaring no-confidence in Congress for years.”

“You are trying to pass off an old vehicle as an electric one just by applying new paint…Opposition needed ‘NDA’ to stay alive, they just added two ‘I’s to it due to their arrogance. It thinks it can increase its credibility by using INDIA name for alliance. Nothing is Congress’ own, from its poll symbol to ideas, everything has been borrowed from someone else. Congress adopted a flag similar to the national tricolour to add credibility, they also ‘stole’ Gandhi surname for gains.”

“This is not INDIA but ‘Ghamandia’ alliance; everyone there wants to be ‘groom’, be the PM. Whenever circumstances will change, knives will be out in the alliance.”

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