One in 10 Asian Americans in the US Follow Hinduism, Finds Pew Research Centre Survey
One in 10 Asian Americans in the US Follow Hinduism, Finds Pew Research Centre Survey
Pew Research Centre Survey: Asian American Hindus had a family income of at least $150,000 in comparison to 32% of Asian Americans overall. Hindu Americans often have greater levels of education than any other Asian American religious group with a sizeable enough membership to be studied independently

One in 10 Asian Americans (11%) in the United States are now stating Hinduism as their religion, according to a recent Pew Research Centre survey. Two-thirds of Indian Americans claim they are either Hindu or believe themselves to be close to Hinduism.

The research report by Besheer Mohamed and Michael Rotolo quoted, “About one in ten Asian Americans now identify Hinduism as their religion (11%), essentially the same as in 2012 (10%). An additional 6% of all Asian Americans say they feel close to Hinduism aside from religion, for reasons such as ancestry or culture.”

The survey states that about 48%, half of Asian-American adults who identify as Indian, say their current religion is Hinduism, which is about the same percentage (51%) as in 2012.

The percentage of Asian American Hindus who state that all or most of their friends share the same religion as them is 40%, which is much higher than the percentage of Asian Americans in general at 30%. In addition, 6% of Asian Americans say they are attracted to Hinduism for heritage or culture.

Nine out of 10 or 92% Asian American Hindu adults were born outside of the United States, the largest percentage of any Asian American religious community. In contrast, 35% Asian Americans who identify as non-religious, but believe they are close to Hinduism, are more likely to have been born in the United States; earlier the percentage rate was 8%.

Asian American Hindus also ranked high in terms of socioeconomic level. Asian American Hindus had a family income of at least $150,000 in comparison to 32% of Asian Americans overall. Hindu Americans often have greater levels of education than any other Asian American religious group with a sizeable enough membership to be studied independently. Comparatively, 22% of all Asian American adults have a postgraduate degree, compared to about six out of 10, 61% adults.

The US-based think tank found 79% Asian Americans are by far the most likely to claim they use an altar, shrine, or other religious symbol for worship in their home. Hindus who say their religion is very important to them constitute 89% of the population.

The Pew Research Centre questioned 7,006 Asian American adults in a nationally representative, multilingual poll from July 5, 2022, to January 27, 2023. With a median age of 40, Hindu youth are one of the youngest Asian American groups in terms of demographics, with nearly three-quarters or 77% being under the age of 50.

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