It is important for all to take good care of the bones and build bone mass in order to prevent pain in the joints and many other ailments. With age people also lose bone mass or density. Weak bones affect movement, posture and the ability to walk. Osteoporosis is one of the most common problems faced by adults as it makes the bones brittle. This condition is inversely proportional to the bone mass that you have obtained by the age of 30. If your bone mass has reached its peak, the chances of osteoporosis will be minimum and vice versa.
According to doctors and physiotherapists exercising is extremely beneficial for maintaining or improving bone health. Regular exercise helps in building and maintaining healthy bones. Lack of physical activity causes loss of bone. Age and use of different medicines by elderly people can make bones weak and fragile over time. Those who exercise regularly their bones remain healthy.
Building healthy bones requires good nutrition, adequate calcium and Vitamin D.
As per the Mayo Clinic, it is important for adults aged between 19 to 50 years to consume 1000 milligrams of calcium in a day. Dairy products, almonds, and broccoli are some of the many good sources of calcium.
Vitamin D:
Our bodies require vitamin D as it facilitates the absorption of calcium. Adults are recommended to intake 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D in a day. However, those who are 71 years of age or above, should intake 800 IU.
Here are some of the good sources of vitamin D:
· Salmon
· Trout
· Whitefish
· Fortified foods like milk and cereals
· Mushrooms
· Eggs
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