If I have committed mistakes, I apologise: Modi
If I have committed mistakes, I apologise: Modi
Narendra Modi delivered his victory speech in Hindi in an attempt to reach out to a wider audience in Gujarat.

Ahmedabad: Pitchforked into the prime ministerial race after his electoral hat-trick and amidst cheers of "PM, PM, PM " from his supporters, Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday apologised to the people of Gujarat if he had committed any mistake.

"If there has been a mistake somewhere, If I have erred somewhere, I seek apology from you, the six crore Gujaratis," Modi said in a victory speech in Hindi, aimed at reaching out to a wider audience. Modi, who has always been under attack following the 2002 post-Godhara violence and has consistently refused to apologise for the massacre of Muslims, made no mention of it in his 45-minute speech.

"You have given me power. Now you also give me your blessings so that I do not commit any mistake, no one is hurt and there is no mistake by me even unknowingly. When people, who are God to me give their blessings, there is no possibility of a mistake," the Gujarat Chief Minister said.

Analysts said Modi choosing to speak in Hindi may be a an attempt to reach out to a wider audience at a time when there is speculation about his prime ministerial ambitions. Taking potshots at his detractors, Modi said he does not need a certificate from anyone after "people have given me the biggest medal".

As the cheering crowd shouted "PM-PM" for Modi, the BJP leader credited his victory to the six crore Gujaratis and his party saying that if he is able to serve Gujarat and take the state to a magnificent level, it was due to the collective strength of people and his party. odi said he will visit Delhi on December 27 for a day.

"Gujarat is a role model for the elections. The entire election was fought here on the plank of development. Gujarat has endorsed the plank of development and has voted accordingly....This victory is not the victory of Narendra Modi but of the six crore Gujaratis and those Indians, who aspire for prosperity and development. This is a victory of all those who wish the country's good," Modi said.

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