Google celebrates surrealist artist Leonora Carrington's 98th birthday with intriguing crocodile doodle
Google celebrates surrealist artist Leonora Carrington's 98th birthday with intriguing crocodile doodle
Leonora Carrington was considered as a last surviving link to the Surrealist movement, offering a defiantly feminist alternative and bringing in elements of magical realism.

New Delhi: Commemorating the 98th birth anniversary of surrealist artist Leonora Carrington, Google's latest doodle shows her 1998 painting titled - How doth the little crocodile.

Carrington was born in 1917 and died at the age of 94. She is known not only for her paintings and sculptures but also for authoring numerous books.

As The Independent notes, Carrington was a last surviving link to the Surrealist movement that first developed in Europe in between the wars, offering a defiantly feminist alternative to the likes of Andre Breton and Max Ernst, bringing in elements of magical realism.

Surrealism is defined a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for its visual artworks and writings. The aim was to 'resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality.'

The latest doodle shows a night-time boat in the shape of a crocodile steered by and carrying more of crocodiles. This painting by Carrington is based on the poem by Lewis Carroll, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It was later turned into a small and then a large scale sculpture that was installed in Mexico City in 2000.

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