Huawei launches LiteOS, an operating system for Internet of Things
Huawei launches LiteOS, an operating system for Internet of Things
At an event in Beijing, Huawei executives showcased its "Agile IoT" architecture, including an operating system called LiteOS to control basic devices.

Beijing: China's Huawei Technologies, the world's biggest telecommunications equipment maker, on Wednesday became the latest tech giant to present its own take on the 'Internet of Things' (IoT), centred on an operating system designed to allow household and business appliances to communicate with each other online.

At an event in Beijing, Huawei executives showcased its "Agile IoT" architecture, including an operating system called LiteOS to control basic devices. This marks the firm's most significant push into a sector that has lured heavyweights from Google to Intel and IBM into pushing their own standards and communication protocols.

Huawei executives touted Agile architecture as a free and open standard that would allow hardware designers to easily make connectable devices. Aside from its operating system, Huawei also showed off fully customisable wireless equipment that could be installed in business settings.

"Standardising infrastructure will foster the development of Internet applications, including 'IoT' applications," said Huawei's chief strategy and marketing officer William Xu.

Last month, Tencent Holdings unveiled its own operating system for Internet-connected devices such as TVs and watches that is open to all developers, taking on domestic rivals Alibaba Group Holding, and Xiaomi in the smart hardware space.

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