iOS 13 Running on 50 Percent Compatible iPhones, Less Than a Month After Roll-out
iOS 13 Running on 50 Percent Compatible iPhones, Less Than a Month After Roll-out
As per the number of App Store visits measured in less than a month after the rollout began, the installation pace of iOS 13 is slower than that of iOS 12.

Apple has released some statistics giving an overview of its latest mobile software update iOS 13. According to the company, the new update is now installed on 50 percent of all active and compatible iPhones, a feat that has been achieved in just 26 days of the release. Moreover, if one counts the iPhones purchased in just the last four years, the adoption rate for iOS 13 jumps up to 55 percent. Though impressive, the pace of installation of iOS 13 is a tad slower than that of iOS 12, which took just 23 days to hit the 50 percent mark. The adoption figures have been calculated based on the number of App Store visits measured on October 15, just less than a month after the iOS 13 rollout began.

Data showed that of all iPhones accessing the App Store, 41 percent are using iOS 12 and the rest 9 percent are using an earlier software version. For devices purchased in the last four years, 38 percent are running iOS 12 and just 7 percent are running an older OS. However, for iPadOS, the adoption rate is yet to pick up, with data showing that just 33 percent of all iPads are running the new OS, while the rate is 41 percent if one considers the newer iPads purchased in the last four years.

Interestingly, there is no information on the adoption rate for the latest Android 10 update as Google seems to have stopped revealing such data. The last announcement on that front came in May this year when Google said that Android 9 Pie was installed on just 10.4 percent of all active Android devices worldwide, while the rest were still running on the older versions spanning as far back as Android 5.0 Lollipop.

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