Largest ever study of email habits reveals how predictable you are
Largest ever study of email habits reveals how predictable you are
Emails of over two million participants were analysed on the basis of time of exchange, length of responses, gender, number of attachments and devices used.

New Delhi: In what is touted as the largest email study ever conducted, researchers have tried to get answers to the ultimate question about people's email dealing habits.

Yahoo labs researchers analysed emails of two million participants who sent more than 16 billion messages over the course of several months. They tracked the identities of the email users, the subject lines they used, the time of email exchange, length of responses, and the number of attachments, apart from the age of the participants and the devices used for emailing.

The intensive study concluded that the length of a reply and the number of messages sent in thread were so predictable that algorithms could anticipate it very accurately, a Popular Science report notes.

It was found that younger people send faster and shorter replies. Men preferred sending shorter messages than women. It was also observed that people tended to respond more quickly to messages sent during working hours, during which the responses also tended to be longer.

Emails sent through mobile devices were shorter. Also, the more emails a person received, the smaller percentage of messages they responded to with curtailed length.

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