OnePlus X to be unveiled on October 29
OnePlus X to be unveiled on October 29
The third affordable mobile handset from OnePlus will be unveiled at simultaneous events in London and China.

The third affordable mobile handset from the Chinese brand OnePlus will be unveiled to the world's press at simultaneous events in six cities around the world including New Delhi, London and Beijing (Read our review of the OnePlus 2)

The new phone will be called the OnePlus X (media reports have been referring to the phone as the OnePlus Mini). The invite shows a lit-up 'X'.

OnePlus X invite

OnePlus is comparatively new, but thanks to its approach of putting a premium on features rather than price and of issuing invitations in order for consumers to buy its products, the company is already making a name for itself.

Its latest phone which the company describes as "powerfully beautiful" is expected to fall firmly into the phablet category thanks to a 5.5-inch display but is also going to take on the might of the Android mid-range rather than competing with premium devices like the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S6 like its last handset, the OnePlus Two, which was unveiled in August.

(With inputs from AFP)

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