Skype launches redesigned apps for Android and iOS
Skype launches redesigned apps for Android and iOS
The Android version includes a floating action button intended to make it easier to start a new conversation, as well as enhanced search and improved messaging.

Skype has announced a newly redesigned app for Android and iOS. Skype 6.0 aims to add capabilities while being more natural and intuitive. The Android version includes a floating action button intended to make it easier to start a new conversation, as well as enhanced search and improved messaging.

The company calls its news apps for iPhone and iPad "our best apps yet," adding simpler navigation, incorporating swipe gestures and making it easier to share links, photo and more while in the middle of a conversation.

For the iPad, messaging is said to be easier and the app allows for group chats or group voice calls.

Users can get Skype on the Google Play store or the Apple App Store for the iPhone or iPad.

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