This Exhibition In Tamil Nadu’s Tirunelveli Showcases Variety of Farming Tools
This Exhibition In Tamil Nadu’s Tirunelveli Showcases Variety of Farming Tools
Agricultural equipment and tools with various facilities were put up for sale in the arena called Agricultural Implements World.

Farmers are considered the foundation of a civilization. It is because of them that the whole nation gets food on their plates. Despite being such an integral part of the nation, the farmers do not have proper facilities. They are not given the right resources to work on farms. Sometimes they are not even given the right money for their produce. Some farmers are using old and traditional tools, which take a lot of their effort and time and thus produce minimal results. Now, a variety of tools have been invented and commercialised to simplify farming. In order to promote the use of modern products, an agricultural exhibition was held recently at Tirunelveli District Centenary Hall, Tamil Nadu. There were more than 100 stalls that were set up at the exhibition.

In particular, agricultural equipment and tools with various facilities were put up for sale in the arena called Agricultural Implements World. Some of the most common types of tools that were available were tools to remove grass and weeds. One of the stall owners in the exhibition, Muthukrishnan, talked about these modern tools. He said, “Some machines that are found here are also used to chop fodder. The forage chopper is easy to use. They cut hay and straws out of these crops into small pieces. This machine is used in some factories to feed animals.”

The forage cutter is manufactured with quality materials. It comes with a steep cutter and can easily cut forage because of its large amount of grass. As it is made with great quality, it lasts longer as well. He added that this machine has good value in the market. The forage cutter is capable of cutting the feed into a uniform size and is quite low-maintenance as well. The electric forage cutter can be operated in front and rear; it cuts the forage evenly and precisely.

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